“印度计划在第三波之前采购 500 万瓶瑞德西韦。更好的是,这一次,政府提前支付了我们的费用,”《商业标准》援引消息人士的话说。
北阿坎德邦政府将新冠宵禁再延长一周至 7 月 27 日。
在阿萨姆邦政府周一宣布,鉴于新冠疫情,开斋节期间不允许公众集会,北方邦政府还发布了新指令,禁止在任何地方举行超过 50 人的集会庆祝开斋节。
根据印度卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 38,164 例新增病例,38,660 例康复和 499 例死亡
印度:应联邦内政部向所有邦提出的要求,卡纳塔克邦政府成立了一个由五人组成的委员会,以“追踪自 2011 年 1 月 1 日起在印度逾期逗留的失踪外国人”。
In response to a request from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs to all states, the Karnataka government has formed a five-member committee to "find missing foreigners who are found overstaying in India since January 1, 2011." Indiatoday
印度:总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 和尼泊尔新任总理谢尔·巴哈杜尔·德乌巴 (Sher Bahadur Deuba) 周一同意在抗击新冠疫情的斗争中加强双边合作并加强协调。
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Nepal’s new Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba on Monday agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation and strengthen coordination in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. hindustantimes
在一项重大的国防土地改革中,印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪政府批准了新规则,允许武装部队开发等价基础设施 (EVI),以换取从他们那里采购的土地用于公共项目或其他非军事活动。
Moneycontrol 的一份报告称,早些时候,在英国时代,自 1765 年英国在孟加拉的 Barrackpore 建立第一个营地以来,禁止将印度的国防土地用于军事以外的任何目的。
In a major defence land reform, the Narendra Modi government has approved new rules that would allow equal value infrastructure (EVI) development for armed forces in return for the land procured from them for public projects or other non-military activities.
Earlier, in the British era the policy of using defence land in India for any purpose other than the military was prohibited since the British set up the first cantonment in Bengal’s Barrackpore in 1765, a report in Moneycontrol said. NEWS18
A Chinese national and four others have been arrested for attempting to enter the Colombo port city premises without permission.
Police said the Chinese national, who worked for a company that provides manpower for the development of the expressway system near the port city, had tried to bring four residents of the Pottuvil area into the port city. nation.lk
The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) reportedly instructed the Taliban, joined by a large number of Pakistani fighters in Afghanistan, to target Indian-built assets over the last several years in the war-torn country.
According to ANI, the Pakistani and the Taliban fighters there have been sent in with specific instructions to target the Indian-built assets and remove any signs of Indian goodwill work there. TOI
印度眼镜在线零售商Lenskart从淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings Pte)和猎鹰边缘资本(Falcon Edge Capital)等投资者那里筹集了2.2亿美元。
该公司由佩尤什·班萨尔(Peyush Bansal)于2010年创立,通过网上和印度约750家零售店销售眼镜、隐形眼镜和太阳镜。该公司计划利用这笔资金,以及今年早些时候从KKR & Co.筹集的9,500万美元,在印度、东南亚和中东扩大在线销售和开设实体店。
India’s Lenskart, an online retailer for eyewear, raised $220 million from investors including Temasek Holdings Pte and Falcon Edge Capital, in another sign of booming interest in the country’s technology startups.
Founded by Peyush Bansal in 2010, the company sells eyeglasses, contact lenses and sunglasses online and through about 750 retail outlets in the country. It plans to use the capital, along with $95 million raised earlier this year from KKR & Co., to expand online sales and add brick-and-mortar stores in India, as well as in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Livemint
新德里:由以色列国家统计局出售的间谍软件飞马软件可能被用来监听大约 300 名印度人,其中包括该中心的两名在职内阁部长、三名反对派领导人、一名宪法当局、政府官员、科学家和大约 40 名记者,据法国媒体非营利组织,Forbidden Stories 和国际特赦组织称。
NEW DELHI: Spyware Pegasus, which is sold by the NSO Group of Israel, may have been used to conduct surveillance on about 300 Indians, including two serving Cabinet ministers at the Centre,
three opposition leaders, a Constitutional authority, government officials, scientists and about 40 journalists, according to French media nonprofit, Forbidden Stories, and Amnesty International. TOI
孟买:周日暴雨对这座城市造成了严重破坏,在五起山体滑坡、触电和房屋倒塌事件中造成 32 人死亡,6 人受伤。倾盆大雨始于周日凌晨,并持续了一整天。
MUMBAI: Torrential rains wreaked havoc in the city on Sunday leaving 32 dead and six others injured in five separate incidents of landslides, electrocutions and a house collapse. The downpour began in the early hours of Sunday and continued through the day. TOI
在印度储备银行 (RBI) 对私人虚拟货币不屑一顾之际,加密货币银行 Cashaa 提议从 8 月起通过信用合作社路线在印度为比特币等虚拟货币客户推出银行业务,在金融界引起了轩然大波。
At a time when the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) frowns on private virtual currencies, the proposal of cryptocurrency bank Cashaa to launch banking operations in India for customers of virtual currencies like Bitcoin from August, through the credit co-operative society route, has raised eyebrows in financial circles. indianexpress
印度财政部长尼尔马拉·西塔拉曼 (Nirmala Sitharaman) 周一在给人民院的书面答复中说,印度强劲的基本面和市场规模将继续吸引寻求市场的绿地投资。
NEW DELHI: India's strong fundamentals and market size will continue to attract market-seeking greenfield investments, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in a written reply to Lok Sabha on Monday.
Quoting the World Investment Report 2021, the finance minister said FDI inflows into India rose by 25.4 per cent to reach $64 billion in 2020, from $51 billion in 2019, becoming fifth largest recipient in the world in 2020, up from eighth position it held in the previous year.
However, the announced greenfield projects in India contracted by 19 per cent in 2020, she said adding that this decline is significantly lower than the 44 per cent decline in developing economies. TOI