
Golden Vision Studio新作,这个面积135㎡的项目是为一对夫妻设计的,在这里,如同从外部世界的烦恼遁入到一片宁静祥和的港湾,轻松自由。设计师结合了北欧的设计风格,用自己的巧思勾勒出了理想生活的美好模样。

New from Golden Vision Studio, this 135-square-foot project is designed for a couple, as if they are escaping from the troubles of the outside world into a tranquil and peaceful haven. Designers combined the Nordic design style, with their own ingenuity outlined the ideal life of a good look.


这个双层的生活空间,设计师用最少的细节创造出一个舒适的气氛。空间分为5个区域: 门厅区,厨房区,客厅区,工作区和睡觉区。一个简洁的,极简主义的设计概念,强调了业主的个性,整个空间以浅色调为主,干草被用作暖色调点缀,其中最重要的小装饰元素之一各种海洋纪念品的珊瑚、贝壳。

This two-level living space is designed to create a comfortable atmosphere with minimal detail. The space is divided into five areas: the Foyer area, the kitchen area, the living area, the work area and the sleeping area. A simple, minimalist design concept that emphasizes the personality of the owner, the space is dominated by light tones, with Hay used as a warm tonal embellishment, one of the most important small decorative elements of the various marine memorabilia of coral and Shell.



The living room, with its spacious floor to ceiling glass windows, is well lit, with a comfortable cream sofa, a marble coffee table, a dull coral velvet armchair and a fireplace, a variety of warm-toned dead wood bouquets are used as color accents in this room.



A straight line kitchen with a bar can also be used as a work space. The Organization of the linear kitchen is characterized by the placement of all elements along a wall, the two upper and lower floors of the kitchen serving as storage spaces, and the stove and refrigerator on each side of the sink. The project provides the main principles of kitchen ergonomics, combined with the concept of a working triangle.



The Living Room area includes a hallway and guest bathroom with a double sink, a large mirror and a shower room, made primarily of arabescato marble.



The room functions as a place of relaxation and is decorated in the same style as the living room, without too much special design, in harmony with the space, the main focus is the plants on the wall.


卧室由三部分组成: 一个睡眠区、一个衣柜和一个浴室。在房间里,设计师尽量保持整个空间的氛围。

The bedroom is made up of three parts: a sleeping area, a wardrobe and a bathroom. In the room, the designer tries to keep the atmosphere of the whole space.



The bathroom was inspired by the bathroom in the foyer area. In this room, where you can relax after a hard day's work or on the weekend, the closet uses a lot of white and visually expands the space.


dmitry artiuch、anna tichonovets

Golden Vision Studio是一家位于白俄罗斯的建筑,由Dmitry Artiuch和Anna Tichonovets共同创立,宗旨是“细节上的现实主义”。

Golden Vision Studio is a Belarusian building co-founded by Dmitry Artiuch and Anna Tichonovets with the aim of 'realism in detail' .




Designed for a young couple in Lille, France, the 25-square-foot apartment is decorated in soft white with shades of orange and blue. The simplicity of the artwork is the main focus of the living room restaurant portfolio, and its unique geometric shape means it is easy to use.


公众号:米兰设计之旅( ID:Milano04)



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