Astronomy Picture of the Day——拱极星迹线

Circumpolar Star Trails
ImageCredit & Copyright: Gabriel Funes
Explanation: As Earth spins on its axis,the stars appear to rotate around an observatory in this well-composed imagefrom the Canary Island of Tenerife. Of course, the colorful concentric arcstraced out by the stars are really centered on the planet's North CelestialPole. Convenient for northern hemisphere astro-imagers and celestial navigatorsalike, bright star Polaris is near the pole and positioned in this scene to bebehind the telescope dome. Made with a camera fixed to a tripod, the series ofover 200 stacked digital exposures spanned about 4 hours. The observatory wasnot operating on that clear, dark night, but that's not surprising. The domehouses the Teide Observatory's large THEMIS Solar Telescope.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——瑞典山脉远处的凸月