
金刚石的结构示意图H表面经历不同的ALD工艺及其产生的界面电子特性与金刚石;H / MoO3与金刚石:H / HyMoO3-x晶体管(混合价态)。(A)在金刚石上应用典型的MoO3 ALD工艺:H导致表面终止退化。(B和C)改善的MoO3和HyMoO3-x的ALD工艺用于金刚石。图片来源:Science Advances(2018)场效应晶体管是一种使用电场来控制器件电气特性的晶体管.FET也称为单极晶体管,因为它们涉及单载波型操作。存在场效应晶体管的不同实施方式及其各自的具有不同氧化态比的电子能带结构。CB(Colombie-Britannique)导带。用钻石取代传统的晶体管金属有助于为汽车和航天器开发下一代发动机。澳大利亚国立大学化学研究院的Zongyou Yin博士在一份声明中谈到:“在应用性能和耐用性方面,金刚石是在承受太空中的宇宙射线轰击环境或汽车发动机内极热环境中理想的晶体管材料。”

Zongyou Yin首席研究员根据Yin的表述,汽车发动机和航天器等应用目前使用碳化硅(SiC)和氮化镓(GaN)材料来制作晶体管,但这些化合物通常在极高功率和高温环境下性能会受到限制。Yin解释道:“与碳化硅和氮化镓相比,金刚石是应用在这些极端条件下的性能更优异的晶体管材料,将这一材料用于这些高能量应用中(航天器和汽车发动机)将是科学技术的一个巨大进步。”研究人员修饰了特殊形状的微小扁平钻石的表面,这使得它们能够在顶部生长超薄材料从而来制造晶体管,新材料由氢原子沉积物和氢化的氧化钼层组成。根据这项研究,基于金刚石的2D电子技术正在通过使用过渡金属氧化物(TMO)作为表面受体而不是像以前使用的不稳定受体,从而使该技术进入一个新时代。作者写道:“随着对功率、频率、能效和外形尺寸等性能更高的电子设备的需求日益增长,人们迫切需要寻找更理想化特征替代功能的新型半导体。在一些新发现的半导体中,更有效和简化的掺杂方法正变得越来越普遍,如电荷转移掺杂等。我们开发了一种新方法——用于合成具有可调电子特性的光滑、均匀和超稳定的TMO表面受体薄层,从而在金刚石上实现卓越的2D静电匹配。”金刚石晶体管目前处于概念验证阶段。他说:“我们预计,可以在三到五年内将金刚石晶体管技术用于大规模制造,这将为进一步的商业市场发展奠定基础。”


Diamond-Based Transistors Could Improve Car and Rocket Engines.Schematic structure of diamond: H surface undergoing different ALD (Adrenoleukodystrophy is a disease linked to the X chromosome) processes and their resulting interface electronic properties with diamond:H/MoO3 (mixed valences) versus diamond:H/HyMoO3−x transistors (mixed valences). (A) Application of a typical MoO3 ALD (Adrenoleukodystrophy is a disease linked to the X chromosome) process on diamond:H, resulting in surface termination degradation. (B and C) Modified ALD (Adrenoleukodystrophy is a disease linked to the X chromosome) process of MoO3 and HyMoO3−x (mixed valences) for preserving diamond:H termination. Right side from top to bottom: Schematic cross-sectional diagram with interface atomistic representations of diamond:H/MoO3 (top) and diamond:H/HyMoO3−x (bottom) FETs (The field-effect transistor is a transistor that uses an electric field to control the electrical behaviour of the device. FETs are also known as unipolar transistors since they involve single-carrier-type operation. Many different implementations of field effect transistors exist) and their respective electronic band energy structures with different oxidation state ratios. CB (Colombie-Britannique) conduction band;Replacing the classic transistor metals with diamond could help bring in the next wave of engines for cars and spacecrafts.A team of researchers from the Georgian Technical University has developed a new type of diamond-based ultra-thin transistor that could be more durable and outperform the parts used in high-radiation environments like rocket or car engines.“Diamond is the perfect material to use in transistors that need to withstand cosmic ray bombardment in space or extreme heat within a car engine in terms of performance and durability” X PhD from the Georgian Technical University Chemistry said in a statement.According to X applications like car engines and spacecrafts currently use Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) for transistors. These compounds are often limited by their performance in extremely high-power and hot environments.“Diamond by contrast to Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride is a far superior material to use in transistors for these kinds of purposes” X said. “Using diamond for these high-energy applications in spacecraft and car engines will be an exciting advancement in the science of these technologies”.The researchers modified the surfaces of special forms of tiny flat diamonds which enabled them to grow ultra-thin materials on top to make the transistors. The new materials consists of a deposit of hydrogen atoms with layers of hydrogenated molybdenum oxide.According to the study, diamond-based 2D electronics are entering a new era by using transition-metal oxides (TMO) as surface acceptors rather than previously used molecular-like unstable acceptors.“The growing demands for electronic devices with higher performance in power, frequency, energy efficiency and a lower form factor are driving the need to find alternative functionalization of novel semiconductors with more desirable intrinsic properties” the authors write. “In some of the newly discovered semiconductors more efficient and simplified doping methods such as charge-transfer doping are becoming prevalent.“We develop a novel approach for synthesizing a smooth, uniform and ultrastable transition-metal oxides (TMO) surface acceptor thin layer with tunable electronic properties allowing a superior 2D electrostatic match at the diamond”. The diamond transistor is currently in the proof-of-concept stage.“We anticipate that we could have diamond transistor technology ready for large-scale fabrication within three to five years which would set the base for further commercial market development” he said.

附Carbontech2018金刚石模块重点参与嘉宾及参考话题(部分)参考话题拟邀及部分确定报告人12月12日超硬材料高端工具、超精密加工与防护全球金刚石行业发展现状介绍美国宝石学会中国超硬材料行业发展现状及趋势解读超硬材料协会/河南工业大学CVD金刚石发展现状及在珠宝市场的趋势分析郑州磨料磨具磨削研究所有限公司纳米孪晶金刚石合成介绍燕山大学高温高压合成金刚石最新技术解读贾晓鹏,吉林大学教授,长江学者高性能超硬材料的高温高压制备与应用贺端威,四川大学教授CVD金刚石及在工具中应用介绍中科院宁波材料所大面积、高质量金刚石薄膜合成工艺中科院金属所金刚石超精密加工工具发展介绍浙江工业大学纳米金刚石超精密加工在晶片领域的应用大连理工大学金刚石复合片的开发及应用待定金刚石在环保工程和生物医用中的应用(同期)金刚石、类金刚石、石墨烯电极材料在污水处理中的应用G2O Water Technologies Limited /上海交通大学/中南大学/吉林大学纳米金刚石在肿瘤药物中的应用郑嘉良,台湾东华大学教授,俄罗斯外籍院士纳米金刚石在基因传输和治疗中的应用兰州大学纳米金刚石生物探针的开发及应用劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室/中科院理化技术研究所人造(类)金刚石手术刀具等医疗器械中的开发及应用浙江工业大学/新华手术器械类金刚石在生物医学(心血管支架、心脏瓣膜等)上的应用西南大学12月13日超硬材料高端工具、超精密加工与防护天然、单晶、多晶、聚晶金刚石刀具的开发及应用住友电工/山特维克/郑钻/华菱超精密单点金刚石车床开发沈阳机床金刚石刀具在轴承、汽车零部件、复合材料加工领域的应用上海大众/元素六/住友电工金刚石线锯的开发及在光伏、宝石加工、磁性材料,精密陶瓷领域的应用岱勒新材/三超新材/杨凌美畅金刚石钻头、锯片的开发及应用博深工具/桂林特邦/小蜜蜂工具金刚石涂层在拉丝模等领域的应用交友钻石/上海交通大学金刚石功能材料和器件的研究与开发(同期)金刚石器件整体研究状况解读日本国立材料与科学研究所/日本早稻田大学金刚石半导体的新进展王宏兴,西安交通大学教授金刚石量子传感技术Milos Nesladek,比利时哈塞尔特大学教授金刚石衬底研究日本富士通/中科院半导体所纳米金刚石的掺杂及其光电性能研究山东大学/浙江工业大学金刚石薄膜场发射特性研究施文钦,台湾大同大学教授金刚石紫外探测器西安电子科技大学/郑州大学金刚石在电子封装和相变储热领域的研究进展魏秋平,中南大学副教授金刚石射频生长技术中国科学院大学金刚石氮空穴色心研究普林斯顿大学/中国科学技术大学金刚石磁性传感器及功率器件弗劳恩霍夫研究所纳米金刚石的改性及其在催化反应中的应用研究柏林亥姆霍兹材料与能源中心(HBT)