【猪译馆】配种管理指南 (连载一)


前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor's Note


1. 发 情 鉴 定




A Succesful Insemination Requires A Good Heat Control


The sows’ pre heat usually occurs 3rd-4th day after weaning.

通常在断奶后的第4-5天出现明显的发情。当母猪受到公猪或授精人员的刺激而表现出静立反射时,她已经发情明显了。Standing oestrus normally occur 4th-5th day after weaning. Standing oestrus is shown, when the sow shows standing reflex by stimulation from the boar or inseminator.


Oestrus control is performed after 5-point plan:

1. 用手或膝盖压(震颤)猪的腹部两侧

Shock in the flank with hand or knee

2. 双手抓住并向上提腹股沟

Push and lift in the groin crease

3. 用手或膝盖施压阴户下面

Shock under the vulva with hand or knee

4. 交叉按压荐部

Cross grip

5. 骑背测试。

Riding test


Use the boar to get the sows stimulated.


Sows that gets into heat in the period from 3rd-5th day after weaning, should be heat controlled once a day. Gilts and sows, coming into heat later than 5 days, are checked for heat twice a day.


Riding test of a sow in heat.


The box design may make it difficult to implement the 5-point plan.



Safely Heat Control Requires Care


By stress/anxiety around heat control some sows (typically young, small and weak rank sows) won’t show standing heat.


Poor Heat Control May Include:


Wrong time of insemination

1. 母猪不怀孕

The sow will not get pregnant

2. 子宫炎的风险增加

Increased risk of causing metritis.


Sows in heat will not be observed

1. 非生产天数增加。

There will be too many none-productive days.

2. 没有授精的母猪会占据配种舍的栏位。

The sows that have not been inseminated will fill up place in the mating unit.

3. 该周配好种的母猪数量下降,或每周配好种的母猪的群体数量不均匀(浪费产床)。

There will be lack of mated sows in the groups or the groups are uneven in size.



Additional Comments : Heat Control


Pre-heat is a preparation for the real standing heat. The pre-heat lasts 1-2 days and is seen by the animal by having swollen and red genital, poor appetite, restless behavior and increased interest in their surroundings. Loose sows will try to jump on other animals – particularly the dominant sows show this behavior. Not all animals show clear signs of pre-heat. Heat control must not be based on these characters alone.


Standing heat usually lasts 2-3 days. Ovulation occurs 2/3 in the oestrus. The optimal insemination time is from 24 hours before to 4 hours after ovulation.


Optimal Insermination Time

授精时间和排卵时间的对照(来源:丹麦Hatting KS人工授精站)

Insemination time relative to ovulation (source: Hatting KS)


The period from weaning to heat occurrence is inversely correlated with heat length. This means that a sow, which comes into heat shortly after weaning has a relatively long heat, while sows, which come into heat later, has a short heat.


When the inseminator performs heat control it is done by imitating the boars touch on the sows stimulating point (5-point plan). If the sow is in standing heat, it will not protest that you sit up on it. In the first and last part of the heat, you usually have to work harder to get the sow to show standing heat.


Heat control becomes easier if you can have a boar to go in front of the sows, which they can see, smell and have snout contact with. The boar must be active in front of the sows you work with. The boar can be activated with for example wiping paper from the sows. Leaving the boar walking around in a group of sows to perform heat control requires monitoring, so mating is avoided.


Sows that come into heat at the 3rd-5th day should be checked for heat once a day. Gilts and sows coming into heat later than the 5th day after weaning can be difficult to predict with regard to heat length. It is therefore recommended to check for heat twice a day with these sows. Nursing sows, flex-weaned and sows, that have been stalled etc. may come in heat already on the day of weaning. These sows should be heat controlled once a day.


At a heat checklist is noted when each sow is heat controlled and how long it is in heat and when it was over. The purpose of noting it is to determine the average length of heat with the sows in the herd. From this you can make an insemination strategy for the herd. The whole herd should be heat controlled twice before an insemination strategy can be determined due to seasonal variation.

2. 精 液 的 收 取 和 储 存




Receiving And Storage Of Semen

1. 精液储存的地方必须没有气流,不寒冷。如果地面有发热装置,需注意精液是否有温度升高的危险。

The place where semen is delivered must be free from drafts and cold. If there is heat in the floor you must be aware if the risk that the semen becomes too hot.

2. 精液送来时,从包装盒中取出并放置在精液专用冰箱中,在同一层上尽量让精液间保持一定的距离。

When semen is delivered, remove it from its package and place it in the semen closet and as far as possible in one layer.

3. 精液必须储存在16-18℃ 中。

The semen must be stored between 16 ℃ and 18 ℃.

4. 精液专用冰箱必须有最低/最高温度计,这样可确保完全控制温度。

There must be a min/max thermometer in the semen closet, so temperature can be controlled.

5. 当精液被带进猪舍时,必须保存在16-18 ℃的温度中。

When semen is taken into the unit, it must be stored at 16 ℃ to 18 ℃.

6. 这决定了猪舍中的精液能否在第二天使用。在适当的保存条件下,用于商品猪生产的精液可保存4天,纯种猪精液只能保存2.5天。

It is determined whether the semen that has been in the unit can be used the next day. With proper storage, production semen can last for four days and purebred semen can last for 2½ day.


Remember min/max thermometer in the semen closet.


Improper storage of semen resulting poor reproductive performance.



Improper Storage Of Semen


If the semen is not stored properly, it causes more returners and/or lower litter size.


Always check:

1. 到达时的精液温度。如精液太冷(低于16℃),需要标注。如可能的话,要拿到公猪站的记录(其中有精液送出公猪站时的温度记录)。

The semen’s temperature on arrival. If the semen is cold, it must be noted. If possible get a sign of admission at the boar station.

2. 精液专用冰箱中的当前温度。

Current temperature in the semen closet.

3. 最低/最高温度计。请记录下温度,这样就能很清楚的知道温度是否检查过了。

Min/max thermometer. Please note comments down, so it is clear that the thermometer is checked.


Do not:

1. 在使用之前让精液升温,否则下次不能再使用。

Warm the semen before use, it can’t be reused.

2. 将精液放在有阳光的窗台上。

Put the semen in sunny windowsills.

3. 继续使用在口袋里储存过的精液(这些应舍弃不用)。

Save the semen that has been stored in your pocket. They must be thrown away.



Additional comments – Receiving And Storage Of Semen

如果农场没有能够满足要求的房间,至少应装备一个橱柜。橱柜必须能承受-10 ℃的低温。需要注意的是该橱柜没有任何的温度控制。

If there is no room on the farm which can meet the requirements, there shall be invested in a receiving cabinet. It must be able to withstand being in a room with temperature down to -10 ℃. Be aware that a receiving cabinet does not have climate control.


The semen is often a bit warmer than the recommended 18 ℃ upon arrival at the farm. Therefore it is important to get it in the semen closet as soon as possible after delivery. If possible, get a text message on the delivery time.


When semen comes below 15℃ the semen’s fertilization ability is damaged. If the semen’s temperature rises above 18℃, the sperm cells will use energy and the risk of returners increases. However, it is worse that the semen gets too cold than too hot.


To tell the semen”story” in the semen closet, there must be a min/max thermometer. It tells about the changes that have been in temperature since last use of semen. The thermometer in the semen closet is an instant image. Read the min/max thermometer each time there is taking semen from the closet and possibly note the temperature down so everyone can see that there has been checked up on it. The thermometer should hang or stand up in the closet. If it is lying down, it will not measure accurately enough.


In uninsulated service units there should be focus on strong cooling or heating of the semen. Therefore, do not bring more portions than the once that will be needed.

如果怀疑精液温度太低(15℃),弃用该批精液。如果精子在太热的地方暴露了一段时间,也应弃用。然而,没有具体的建议说明精子暴露在高于 18 ℃的地方多久才不能再用。如果怀疑,就弃用该批精液。由于检测精液质量比较困难,建议只从专用冰箱中取出所需要的精液份数。

If there is doubt if the semen has been too cold (15℃), throw it away. If sperm has been exposed to heat for a long time, it should also be thrown away. However, there are no recommendations for how long the sperm must have been above 18℃ before it is unusable. If in doubt, throw away the semen. Since it can be difficult to assess semen quality, it is advisable to take only the number of doses out of the closet to be used.


To be continued…




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