
working language的规定分布在公约的许多许多条款当中,分不清正常,今天理一理。首先工作语言不一定是英语,用哪一种语言由公司说了算,但是英语作为主流语言,许多船上规定为工作语言。船行四海,公约规定工作语言的目的是为了有效交流,SOLAS中的规定提纲挈领。在第V章中进行了规定:3 On all ships, to ensure effective crew performance in safety matters, a working language shall be established and recorded in the ship's log-book. The company, as defined in regulation IX/1, or the master, as appropriate, shall determine the appropriate working language. Each seafarer shall be required to understand and, where appropriate, give orders and instructions and to report back in that language. If the working language is not an official language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, all plans and lists required to be posted shall include a translation into the working language.4 On ships to which chapter I applies, English shall be used on the bridge as the working language for bridge-to-bridge and bridge-to-shore safety communications as well as for communications on board between the pilot and bridge watchkeeping personnel* , unless those directly involved in the communication speak a common language other than English.总结起来两个意思:1、接受国际安全管理体系的公司或船长,所属船舶应确定一项工作语言,工作语言应记录在船舶日志上,工作语言可以是英语可以是其他语言,但是船员之间必须能够有效交流。如果工作语言与船舶船旗国官方语言不一致,张贴的各种操作、图标等应翻译成工作语言。2、英语是驾驶台法定的工作语言,用于驾驶台与驾驶台,驾驶台与引水,驾驶台对岸通信等。当然如果双方如果可以用同一种语言交流也是可以接受的。基于上面规定,考虑到英语为主流的背景,国际航行船长、大副不会讲英语是行不通的,IMO为此出了一个决议:IMO标准航海通讯语言(IMO STANDARD MARINE COMMUNICATION PHRASES),感兴趣的可以自己找来看。因为即使船舶工作语言不是英语,驾驶台语言一样是英语。有时候有朋友问我,某种文书应该用那种语言记录,在做次雷锋给大家整理下。SOLAS相关1、ISM要求:公司发至船上的信息要使用工作语言或他们懂的语言(The Company should establish procedures by which the ship's personnel receive relevant information on the SMS in a working language or languages understood by them. )2、FFScode要求:固定式消防系统的维护保养计划需要使用工作语言,或者英语、法语、西班牙语翻译中的一种(All installation, operation and maintenance instructions/plans for the system shall be in the working language of the ship. If the working language of the ship is not English, French, nor Spanish, a translation into one of these languages shall be included.)3、ISPS要求:船上的安保计划和记录需要用工作语言或者船员懂得语言4、防火控制图应使用工作语言( The fire safety operational booklet shall be written in the working language of the ship)5、训练手册应使用工作语言(The training manual shall be written in the working language of the ship.)五星旗船舶如果工作语言是中文,训练手册可以使用中文,不适用英语,相反则不可以。MARPOL相关6、船舶油污应急计划(SOPEP)应使用工作语言(Such a plan shall be in accordance with Guidelines* developed by the Organization and written in the working language of the master and officers. )7、垃圾管理计划,使用工作语言;垃圾公告牌使用工作语言和英语或法语;垃圾记录簿、油类记录簿至少使用英语、法语、西班牙语中的一种,如用船旗国语言记录,发生争议时优先采用(The entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be at least in English, French or Spanish. Where the entries are also made in an official national language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, these entries shall prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy;)8、船舶燃油过驳计划使用工作语言(The STS operations Plan shall be written in the working language of the ship.)STCW相关9、值班和工作休息时间,使用工作语言或船员懂的语言和英语,使用两种(Administrations shall require that watch schedules be posted where they are easily accessible. The schedules shall be established in a standardized format* in the working language or languages of the ship and in English.)MLC相关10、均要求使用工作语言或英语记录(A copy of the applicable instruments in English or the working language of the ship should be carried on board and should be accessible to seafarers)压载水公约相关11、压载水管理计划、压载水记录簿使用工作语言,如果工作语言不是英语、法语、西班牙语需要翻译成其中一种(be written in the working language of the ship. If the language used is not English, French or Spanish, a translation into one of these languages shall be included.)能想到的就这么多了,欢迎补充。13101Propulsion main  engineEmergency ME  operation instructions not in working language.(ISM)1718499Other (Health  protection, medical care …)- Bow thruster  ventilation not working.- AE3 electric installations damaged- self closing valve of sounding pipe in engine room found stuck- several labels found only in German (for example all fuses on bridge),  but working language is English.- unsafe ventilator in forward deck store and on public toilet.- broken covers on switches in ECR switchboard.(ISM)1710136Establishment  of working language on boardWorking  language not used in engine log book.活该9910136Establishment  of working language on boardWorking  language not recorded in deck Log Book. (ISM)1714503Garbage  management planOnly in English  language (working languages are English and Arabic). (ISM)(这个公司有问题,何必搞两种)1715106Development of  plans for shipboard operationsVessel`s gas  detection meter (3 type) operation manuals are not in the working language of  the crew.这种情况还是有点多1715105Resources and  personnelThe ships SMS  failed to ensure the effective implementation of element 6 of the ISM code as  evidenced by the crew unable to communicate under emergency situation in  working language.滞留项目,船员不能有效的使用工作语言沟通。3010136Establishment  of working language on boardFound several  equipment not labeled with the correct working language. For example  switchboard on bridge only Chinese and Russian(应翻译成工作语言)1611131On board  training and instructionsLifesaving  appliances instructions not in the working language (Russian) and showing  different boats that have onboard.(ISM)1715110Documentation -  ISMMonthly  inspection record of fire main hydrant, hose & nozzle not made working  language (English) & not written working language1815110Documentation -  ISMLSA record not  fully written working language.LSA记录不是工作语言1801320Garbage record  bookGarbage record  book in English only. (working language English and Arabic)10上面表格摘引了几例缺陷,缺陷代码各不相同,当然有使用错误的,个人建议使用10136(Establishment of working language on board),另外最后一项垃圾记录簿应该是错误的,垃圾记录簿、油类记录簿不要求使用工作语言记录,用英语、法语、西班牙语中的一种就可以。遇到这种情况写缺陷,可以拿original的推送给PSCO看一看。



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