拟南芥 BRANCHED1直接控制腋芽休眠的基因调控网络

植物分枝生长的控制对植物适应性、抗逆性和作物产量具有重要意义。拟南芥转录因子BRANCHED1 (BRC1)在这一过程中发挥了关键作用,它通过整合抑制腋芽生长的信号来控制芽的分枝。尽管BRC1作为一种有效的生长抑制剂具有显著的活性,但其促进和维持芽休眠的机制仍不清楚。


The control of branch outgrowth is critical for plant fitness, stress resilience and crop yield. The Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factor BRANCHED1 (BRC1) plays a pivotal role in this process as it integrates signals that inhibit axillary bud growth to control shoot branching. Despite the remarkable activity of BRC1 as a potent growth inhibitor, the mechanisms by which it promotes and maintains bud dormancy are still largely unknown. Here we combine ChIP-seq, transcriptomic and systems biology approaches to characterise the BRC1-regulated gene network. We identify a group of BRC1 direct target genes encoding transcription factors (BTFs) that orchestrate, together with BRC1, an intricate transcriptional network enriched in abscisic acid signalling components. The BRC1 network is enriched in feed-forward loops and feedback loops, robust against noise and mutation, reversible in response to stimuli, and stable once established. This knowledge is fundamental to adapt plant architecture and crop production to ever-changing environmental conditions.





