

标题:Prediction of Human Full-Body Movements with Motion Optimization and Recurrent Neural Networks

作者:Philipp Kratzer, Marc Toussaint and Jim Mainprice

来源:2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)



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图1 预测1.5秒走向大架子上的碗的运动

图2 循环神经网络结构。蓝色表示过去的关节角度和速度,绿色表示未来的预测状态,红色表示允许运动优化的控制输入。

图3 运动捕捉实验设置

图4 2秒内到达桌上物体的运动轨迹。本文方法的预测结果用绿色表示,人体运动的基线方法用灰色表示。从左到右分别显示了1秒、1.3秒、1.6秒和2秒后内的运动预测。上面一行是无障碍约束下的预测,下面一行是有障碍约束的预测。在无障碍物约束的预测中,行人与椅子发生了碰撞。

图5 行人和机器人的联合轨迹优化。从左到右,分别为1秒、2.3秒、3秒和3.6秒的预测轨迹。上面一行为无联合优化的轨迹结果(机器人路径为直线,没有避让行人),下面一行为联合轨迹优化结果(机器人主动避让行人)。


Human movement prediction is difficult as humans naturally exhibit complex behaviors that can change drastically from one environment to the next. In order to alleviate this issue, we propose a prediction framework that decouples short-term prediction, linked to internal body dynamics, and long-term prediction, linked to the environment and task constraints. In this work we investigate encoding short-term dynamics in a recurrent neural network, while we account for environmental constraints, such as obstacle avoidance, using gradient-based trajectory optimization. Experiments on real motion data demonstrate that our framework improves the prediction with respect to state-of-the-art motion prediction methods, as it accounts to beforehand unseen environmental structures. Moreover, we demonstrate on an example, how this framework can be used to plan robot trajectories that are optimized to coordinate with a human partner.

