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Daily Quote

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. (Maya Angelou)


Poem of the Day

Follow Your Own Course

Neil Simon

Don't listen to those who say,

"It's not done that way."

Maybe it's not, but maybe you will.

Don't listen to those who say,

"You're taking too big a chance."

Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor,

and it would surely be rubbed out by today.

Most importantly, don't listen

When the little voice of fear inside you

rear its ugly head and says,

"They're all smarter than you out there.

They're more talented,

They're taller, blonder, prettier, luckier and have connections..."

I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you,

Not to the exclusion of love, sensitivity, and cooperation with others,

But with the strength of conviction

That you can move others by your own efforts,

And do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live,

The chances are you'll be a person worthy of your own respect.
























Beauty of Words








吃苦耐劳是我们这个民族的标帜。古圣先贤总是教训我们要能过得俭朴的生活,所谓“一箪食,一瓢饮”,就是形容生活状态之极端的刻苦,所谓“嚼得菜根”,就是表示一个有志的人之能耐得清寒。恶衣恶食,不足为耻,丰衣足食,不足为荣,这在个人之修养上是应有的认识,罗马帝国盛时的一位皇帝,Marcus Aurelius,他从小就摒绝一切享受,从来不参观那当时风靡全国的赛车比武之类的娱乐,终其身成为一位严肃的苦修派的哲学家,而且也建立了不朽的事功。这是很值得钦佩的,我们中国是一个穷的国家,所以我们更应该体念艰难,弃绝一切奢侈,尤其是从外国来的奢侈。宜从小就养成俭朴的习惯,更要知道物力维艰,竹头木屑,皆宜爱惜。


Cultivating Good Habits

Liang Shiqiu (translated by 张培基)

Men are about the same in human nature, but differ in habit. Habit is formed little by little, and most easily in one’s childhood. Once it is formed, it is difficult to break.

For example, the good habit of early rising also starts from one’s early life. Many people, however, have been in the habit of sleeping late ever since they were kids. They won’t get up till late morning on holidays and even oversleep on work days. Children are often late for school though they make a rush even without washing up. Such children, when they grow up, will often lack drive and most probably get nowhere. The story of Zu Ti rising at cockcrow to practise swordplay should be a good example for all men of resolve to learn from.

We Chinese set great store by propriety because it is the accepted rules of social behavior. Propriety begins from the family. For example, children should keep their parents informed of their whereabouts. That is the ABC of good manners on the part of children. Yet some children just ignore their parents when they get up in the morning or come back from school. They often pull a long face and refuse to converse when they meet their elders. If they continue to be so cocky and willful without correcting themselves as soon as possible, they will never get along well with other people some days as members of society. We should be polite not only to our elders, but also to all people.

It is a bad habit to talk loudly to the disturbance of others. Ask yourself if you ever made a lot of noise while others were at their studies or at work. We should be considerate of others at all times and places, caring for public order and interests and abstaining from self-indulgence. In crowded public places, you should line up and never push through to get ahead of others.

Time is life. Our life is ticking away unnoticed minute by minute and second by second. It is certainly alarming when we come to think of it. Every day we are unconsciously wasting many odd moments. We should acquire the habit of utilizing leisure time, and snatch every odd moment to do whatever is beneficial to our body and mind. That will enable us to achieve good results little by little. People often talk most improperly about “seeking relaxation” as if they had more than enough time for them to while away. Life is, in fact, extremely short. How can you find so much surplus time for you to fool away? Lu Fangweng says in one of his poems, “Spend even the pre-meal odd moment in reading.” As far as I know, many people did snatch the odd moment before a meal to do a lot of reading. Our ancients recommended “three on’s”, that is, doing reading even while you are on a pillow, on a horse or on a nightstool. All that, though impracticable, serves the purpose of advising people not to waste time.

Ours is a nation known for industry and self-denial. Frugality has always been the teaching of our ancient sages and wise men. A man of strong will should be able to endure Spartan living conditions. It should not be regarded as a disgrace to live a simple life. Nor should it be regarded as a glory to live a luxurious life. That should be the correct understanding one needs for self-cultivation. Marcus Aurelius, emperor of the Roman Empire in its heyday, refused to enjoy all comforts of life from childhood and always kept away from amusements like the chariot race then in vogue and other fighting-skill competitions. He remained a life-long staunch Stoic philosopher and meanwhile distinguished himself by numerous exploits. Ours is a poor country, so it is even more necessary for us to see the tough conditions facing us and renounce all luxuries, especially those coming from abroad. We should build up the habit of leading a thrifty life. We should bear in mind that all material resources are hard to come by and should be treasured, even including their odds and ends.

The above points have been picked by me at random. Good habits are too numerous to be dealt with one by one, but none, however, are too small to keep. Habit, once formed, will become your natural and spontaneous behaviour. A life full of good habits will be a life conforming with the law of nature.



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