经济学人科技 || VR晕动症
Summer(琚儿),女,QE在职,梦想能仗翻译/音乐 /健康走天涯
Lost in cyberspace
英文部分选自经济学人191123science and technology版块
Virtual reality
Lost in cyberspace
VR continues to make people sick—and women more so than men
The whole history of fiction shows that alternative realities are an attractive and profitable idea. So back in the 1990s, when electronics had arrived at a point where people could build headsets that blocked off actual reality and replaced it with a virtual version created inside a computer, it looked as if something world-changing might have arrived. Games companies were particularly excited, and Nintendo, Sega and Virtuality duly piled in.
The world, however, stubbornly refused to be changed. It might have put up with the low-resolution images, the choppy scene transitions and the poor controls, for these would surely have got better. It might also have put up with the price (the headsets in question could cost up to $70,000), for that would surely have come down. It could not, though, accommodate the dizziness, nausea, eye strain, vomiting, headaches, sweating and disorientation that many of the technology’s users (more than 60%, according to one study) complained of—a set of symptoms that, collectively, have come to be called “cyber-sickness”. Though not fatal to people, cyber-sickness certainly helped damage the industry, which more or less vanished.
1. in question:now in consideration or under discussion
2. Accommodate:
Two decades later, however, virtual reality (vr) returned from the dead, with better images, smoother transitions and more precise controls. There were also applications beyond games. The upgraded technology has found use in social media, interior design, job training and even pain management. Moreover, a new set of companies, Oculus (now part of Facebook), htc and Sony, have come up with products that do not require a second mortgage to afford.
2. 衍生阅读二:看VR视频能止痛,或催生用于慢性疼痛的新兴疗法
3.什么是“First Mortgage” 和 “Second Mortgage” ?
所谓 First Mortgage 即如果你买了一栋房子,把这栋房子抵押给 A 银行做贷款,那么对 A 银行而言,你的贷款便是 First Mortgage。如果你在 A 银行贷完款后,同时又把你的这栋房子抵押给 B银行,希望借出更多的钱来,那么相对B银行而言,你的贷款便是Second Mortagage 了。
之所以有 Second Mortgage 的情形发生,往往是因为当你需要借出更多的钱时,原本贷款的那家银行(如A银行)拒绝再贷款给你,而另一家银行如 B 银行(但通常是一些小型的财务公司,Private lender)则不介意借这笔钱给你,条件是你必须把房子也同时抵押给它。当你还不起贷款,房子被银行拍卖时,A 银行的利益将会是先得到保证,因为它是 First Mortgage。在 A 银行扣除你所欠的本息及与拍卖有关的费用后,剩下的钱才会再去还欠 B 银行的债务,因为它是 Second Mortgage。
Despite these improvements, though, vr has not lived up to expectations. It has done respectably, with sales in 2018 of $3.6bn, according to SuperData Research, a market research firm. But that is only 2.4% of the global market for games. Many people—and not just the usual hypesters—thought that this time around vr would become a blockbuster technology. It has not happened. Part of the reason is that cyber-sickness has not gone away. One study suggests between 25% and 40% of users still experience it.
尽管VR技术有了很多改善,但它仍然没有达到人们的期望。超级数据研究公司(SuperData Research)的数据显示:2018年VR行业的年销售额为36亿美元,这仅占全球游戏市场的2.4%。许多人(包括炒作者)认为,这一次VR会成为轰动一时的技术。但事实并非如此,部分原因是晕动症并没有完全消除,研究表明,25%-40%的用户仍然深受其害。
Dealing with this is difficult, not least because there is an argument about what triggers it in the first place. Two theories dominate. One is that users experience sensory conflict—a mismatch between what they see and what their other senses and their real-world knowledge tell them they should be experiencing. The other is that the underlying cause is individuals’ inability to control their bodies and maintain proper posture when moving around in virtual environments. To complicate matters, both hypotheses could be true.
Feeling woozy
Sensory conflict there certainly is. For example, when users move their heads they expect what they see to change immediately in response. But time-lags and poor graphics mean their visual input often fails to meet the brain’s expectations. Dealing with this means increasing the “frame rate” at which the virtual world is presented to a user, improving the resolution of the images and reducing the latency of response to a user’s movements. All of these require clever processing by the computer responsible for creating the illusion.
Improvements in tracking what a user is doing also help. “Room scale” vr systems let people move around in the real world while perceiving similar movement in the virtual one. Following a user’s movement can be done in one of two ways. Outside-in tracking relies on external cameras observing beacons of various sorts scattered around a user’s body. Inside-out tracking is the opposite: the beacons are scattered around the room and detectors on a user’s body employ them as reference points.
提高用户动作追踪技术也有助于解决感官冲突。“空间范围” VR系统让人们在真实世界中移动,同时在虚拟世界中感知类似的动作。用户动作追踪可以通过两种方式来实现:“外->内追踪”,即通过外部相机来观察分布在用户身上信标的位置;而“内->外追踪”则相反:信标被分散置于房间各处,用户身上的传感器利用它们作为参照点来定位。
On top of all this, there is the design of the lenses that sit inside a headset in front of a user’s eyes to adjust optically for the fact that what is actually a nearby image is supposed to be some distance away. Since the shape of these lenses is fixed and the amount of adjustment required varies with what is being looked at, distortion is inevitable. But distortions are particularly noticeable when users move their eyes, says Paul MacNeilage of the University of Nevada, Reno. Some headsets therefore now track a user’s gaze and move the lenses within the headset in response.
除了以上操作之外,VR头盔在用户眼前的设置了镜片组合,通过光学调整将眼前的显示屏图像放大并拉远。由于这些镜片形状是固定的,而不同的物体要求的光学调整幅度又不同,因此失真是不可避免的。内华达大学雷诺分校的保罗·麦克尼利奇(Paul MacNeilage)指出,在用户移动双眼时,失真尤为明显。因此,现在有些VR头盔加入了眼球追踪,使镜头随使用者目光移动。
Make the input too credible, though, and you run into a different problem—the contrast between what a user’s eyes are seeing and what the motion-sensors in his inner ear are detecting. To deal with that, some designers program in a “virtual nose”, just visible to the user, to serve as a point of reference.
These tactics help. But they do not get rid of cyber-sickness entirely. That is where the second hypothesis, unstable posture, comes in. And it is one that has the virtue of offering an explanation of a mystery about the condition—why women are more likely to be affected than men.
Thomas Stoffregen of the University of Minnesota, who has studied the matter and found women four times as susceptible as men, cites the example of driving a car to explain the unstable-posture hypothesis. When turning the steering wheel, he observes, drivers need to keep their heads oriented to the road. They need to stabilise their bodies, particularly when the car is changing direction and pushing the body in different ways. “When you spend a lot of time in cars, you get used to doing that,” he says. “It’s a skill.” But in virtual environments, where there are no forces to act as signals, people have not learned to adjust their bodies properly. They lean when the virtual car turns, but in fact they are leaning away from stability. He finds this particularly affects women, who have lower centres of gravity than men. That may cause them to sway more. And increased swaying, he has found, correlates with higher rates of cyber-sickness.
明尼苏达大学的托马斯·斯托夫雷根(Thomas Stoffregen)发现,女性得“晕动症”的概率是男性的四倍。他以驾驶汽车为例,解释了姿势不稳假说。他发现,当转动方向盘时,司机需要保持头部转向道路。尤其是当汽车改变方向(司机)身体被迫向不同的方向移动时,他们需要保持身体平衡。“开车时间久了,你就会下意识这么做。”他说道,“这是一项技能。”然而,在虚拟环境中,没有外力作为信号的情况下,人们尚未掌握合适地调整身体的方法。在虚拟的车体转向时,人们会下意识倾斜身体,但实际上这会丧失平衡。他发现,女性比男性重心低,因此更容易受到影响,摇晃得更厉害。他指出,摇晃程度越大,出现“晕动症”的几率就越高。
It is a neat idea. But Bas Rokers of the University of Wisconsin-Madison believes there is a simpler explanation for women’s experience of cyber-sickness, which is that headsets are not designed for them. For vr to work properly, sets need to be adjusted to the distance between the pupils of a user’s eyes. In one popular brand, however, Dr Rokers found that 90% of women have an interpupillary distance less than the default headset setting, and 27% of women’s eyes do not fit the headset at all.
这是一个有力的解释。 但美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的巴斯·罗克斯(Bas Rokers)教授认为,对于女性晕动症有一个更简单的解释,那就是头戴式设备并不是为女性设计的。为了实现VR的效果,头盔根据使用者的瞳距来调整头盔的设置。 然而,罗克斯博士发现,任何一个流行品牌的VR头盔产品,其瞳孔间距大于90%的女性的瞳距,而27%的女性眼睛根本不适合佩戴此类头盔。
If Dr Rokers is correct, a big part of the problem of cyber-sickness might be dealt with by a small change to helmet design. If women’s rates of the complaint could be reduced to the level experienced by men, then a lot more people could enjoy vr rather than enduring it. And then, perhaps, it really might achieve its potential.
Angela,女,double major 哲学数学
Lee ,爱骑行的妇女之友,Timberland粉
在大学还能继续选择读工科的女生一定是如假包换的理工女。我大学的室友就是一枚妥妥的理工女,会在宿舍里和对面楼的男生(主要是和她男朋友宿舍联手)打游戏。她厉害到什么程度呢,就是《仙剑》3D版一出来,她就打通关了,然后为了各种攻略,重复的玩,不放过任何一种可能性和忽略任何一种场景。她能够保持长时间的打游戏,也是因为面对3D游戏画面和各种角度切换完全不晕。大概,这就是所谓的destined to be scientific. God has made her for science.
我有一阵子也尝试游戏,但我玩的是3D版的Harry Porter。游戏热情不高,水平也稀,但是我也不晕,眼睛的干涩程度绝对赶不上现在死盯着PPT做翻译的状态。年纪轻,功能好是一说,怀揣一颗游戏的心的心理效应我觉得是关键。
现在我俩都不在这个工程的行当混了,我们的这点优势变成了看3D电影,看IMAX毫无眩晕感。而且如果玩VR的游戏,比如滑雪啊,比如开飞机啊啥的,我俩也完全不晕。眼距宽的女生对各种眼镜的尺寸适应度比较好。读了这篇文章,可以理解为我们的瞳距宽,比较适合工业化大规模生产的general(male)size 的眼镜。
Visual Nose? 不存在的,我们本来就看不到我们的鼻子好么。嗯嗯,我们是destined for the 3D age。
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