


【题】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the most effective way for governments to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity?(2015.8.22托福独立写作真题)





For a long time, worldwide governments seem to lack effective ways to encourage the public to conserve energy. The only feasible method they adopt is to put up the price of energy in order to force citizens to cut down on the use of it. But more and more people are beginning to doubt the effectiveness of this approach. In my opinion, increasing the price of energy is just a last resort that couldn’t solve the problem fundamentally. My reasons and examples are given below. (85 words)

put up the price:提高价格

cut down on:减少

the effectiveness of this approach:这个方法的有效性

a last resort:最后一招,万不得已的办法


Firstly, the rise in the price of energy could intensify the conflict between the public and the government. Electricity and gasoline are the most widely used energy, concerning the basic livelihood of the rank and file. Thus, people are usually sensitive to the price of what they cannot live without. As the guardian of all social members, government is supposed to lessen people’s financial burden instead of doing something against public interests. I have read a piece of news that a few years ago, the ruling party of England increased the electricity fees, hoping to alleviate the power shortage, but this practice only aroused a strong backlash from society. (109 words)

intensify the conflict:激化矛盾

the most widely used...:最常用的...

the rank and file:老百姓

be sensitive to:对...敏感

lessen one's financial burden:减轻...的经济负担

power shortage:能源短缺

arouse a backlash:引起反弹


Secondly, for the well-off class, increasing the price of energy doesn’t make any difference. It is because government is unlikely to bring the price of energy to the point that even wealthy individuals cannot afford, so the practice is not able to genuinely strengthen all society’s awareness of energy conservation. Plus, it is those rich people who are big energy consumers. A good case in point is Al Gore, a former American vice president who has received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in climate change activism. But a scandal shook his image as an environmental activist: he once squandered a great deal of resources on his daughter’s birthday party. (111 words)

doesn't make any difference:然并卵

bring...to the point that:把...带到一个...的程度

awareness of energy conservation:节能意识

environmental activist:环保斗士


Admittedly, I am not denying the function of a rise in the price of energy. After all, this method is indeed conducive to the energy conservation for the cost of people’s wasting energy is going up. However, increasing the price only reduces the symptom but cannot cure it. And it has a serious side effect--causing public anger. If government can do something smart to change people’s minds, and to let them come to realize the importance of energy conservation, the goal can still be achieved. (86 words)

be conducive to:有助于...

...only reduces the symptom but cannot cure it:治标不治本

side effect:副作用

come to realize:开始意识到


In conclusion, I am opposed to the idea of encouraging energy conservation by increasing the price of gasoline and electricity. In a more civilized and democratic society, government should try its best to safeguard people’s benefits rather than treat them by simple and crude ways. (45 words)

be opposed to:反对

by simple and crude ways:用简单和粗暴的方法




