诗意经典书法-- 王羲之、欧颜柳赵、智永、张即之,美轮美奂的集字作品。


Preface to the Poetic Classic

The Xin Chou year, the year in early autumn, plague is in full bloom, the world is turbulent. Honolulu Chinese Lutheran Church worships continuously. The Aijia Fellowship conducts Bible study every week to August 13. The study of Acts will last for one year. At the summary review, brothers and sisters are deeply moved; Poetry is the way to express feelings, record the experience, review the Lord's grace, talk about hope and unity. The discussion is warm and enjoyable.

May God accept these poems, even if they are not measured in meter, but they are all sincere and sweet in scent. This set of poems are recorded in ancient Chinese calligraphy.  First as a tribute to the ancient sages, let not forget the mother nation's cultural nourishment; second as a record for our memory, and a self-motivation toward a new starting point of salvation. This new atmosphere of the spiritual practice is evidenced by Liu Yaying's poem below.

Xin Yi  Ai Jia is shriving

there poem and songs keep coming.

Holy Spirit leads the sharing,

Heaven road curds our bonding.

As Apostles' Gospel spread,

Thanks to our Father's teaching!

This poem serves as the preface to the collection.


On the day of minting the collection, the 'Delta' variant of the Coronavirus originated from Wuhan, has widely spread in Hawaii. It is super strong, and the state is on the verge of losing control. In a city of one million people, seven or eight hundred people are infected every day. Once upon a time, this was a Heaven on Earth, but now is crumbling, only a step away from the city of hell on earth. Local hospitals are full, 550 doctors and nurses are rushing from the mainland to help. Three frozen morgue vehicles have been activated and stand by.

Life and death, they are so close. Life is like a sigh! The hope of eternity is so urgent. As for those who are seriously ill, on systemic intubation, or cannot speak, this life is full regret. Who can help? Parents, spouse and children? Ultimate concern is needed, sincerity is precious. When will the love of God be accepted? Where will the soul be at the end of life? May the seed of eternity sprout and grow soon. All these are in a single thought.

Although the poetry is small, the feelings of compatriots, boxing heart, hope are real as all readers can see it through. To preach salvation, Paul said: “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.  For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race.”

In the autumn of chaos, the way of peace is above; Where to go from here? We need not say more.

Supplementary notes by

Dong Liangjie ,August 25, 2021. Written in Chinese, translated by his brothers(BL, TZH).

书法之美在于 字、意、情、理相协调,用线条和节奏带领读者进入一个特定的意境之中。以下为序之中文版--钢笔字帖体。










此诗歌大有深意,前四句平实记录历史,最后两句特别突出,且对仗相对工整。尤其一个“泽” 字点中要害,到底是什么样的文化价值真正能够泽被后世呢?本文起首章,出自《诗经 鲁颂 》是地地道道的国学诗篇,如今全然抛弃,行为完全相反。深夜扪心自问,何人在数典忘祖!



作者写的诗文很长,很难集字,小编和美工几乎要放弃了。但突发奇想,抽出了其中两句话,用怀素的狂草试一下--居然成功。草书的要诀在于 气势贯通,墨迹相联,集结草书实在困难。(怀仁集王羲之行书圣教序用了23年!)。有观者说,但看那个“国” 就让人有手舞足蹈的感觉了,最后“一直到地极”居然笔意连贯,有高手舞剑的动感。


诗贵在精益求精,所谓“二句三年得,一吟双泪流”。 这四句却是两天得,而且出现了神来之笔----行风破浪!世人都习惯了“乘风破浪”,实际就是希望搭顺风车、甚至投机取巧取获得成功,这个“行”却不如此:无论前面顺水还是逆风,使命召唤,定要前行,平安在,心不改--一字之变,改出行事为人的态度来!

为了突出“行风破浪”这一神来之笔,特集天下第一榜书 张即之大字为芯。读者若要明白其中真意,请看这卷书详细记载的那条船在海中如何被狂风暴雨折腾的、一船人如何面临绝望、又如何大难不死的。两边小字记录那些落难之人,风浪打击和绝望之下,不吃不喝了,Paul 劝勉他们的原话。

此为一字概括整卷书的“心得”。是作者独创?非也!本卷书原为一封书信,后来编入经典时,有了标题:Acts. 就是行动的意思,中国人历来不缺乏坐而论道的人,缺乏的是起来行动的人,明哲保身的哲学更是养成了“一看二慢三不动”的恶习。咦......,读经不行动,要假道学何用!Acts, Acts, Acts! 此篇与其说是心得,不如说呼吁大家回归本意。四句诗的最后一字连在一起是: 重行传承。

此篇七律,全面深刻地总结要义。最亮之处在于, Paul 受审申辩的时候,并非仅仅为了自己利益辩护,而是明确地讲出那份大爱,情真意切的流露出来,希望自己的同胞能接受它、君王也能接受它,那是宝贵的礼物而非祸害。

此篇作为归结,深意无需多言。只是中国有些古话同样发人深省:施恩图报非君子,知恩不报是小人。在《水浒传》里,作者把那个金眼彪起名叫施恩是有意褒贬的,施恩对武松施点恩惠,希望武松去帮他打蒋门神,夺回快活林酒店,如此而已。如果把恩典和布施,还停留在金眼彪这个水平上,那就太 Low 了!

著名画家王玉峰教授的油画 探寻古道。上面的英文翻译就在下面



