
一.语音题 (10分)(选择下列每组中划线处与所给词相同的一个)

1 (    ) regular  A  garden B  smart   C  harm   D  similar

2 (    ) ask   A  knife   B  know   C  look   D  knock

3 (    ) hour   A  home   B  honest  C  happy   D  husband

4 (    ) breath  A  those   B  breathe  C  without    D  thank

5 (    ) wrong   A  twenty B  sweet   C  word   D  answer

6 (    ) exam   A  expect  B  expend C  expensive   D  example

7 (    ) whole A  when   B  where   C  what   D  who

8 (    ) area   A  wake   B  way   C  headmaster D  carefully

9 (    ) front   A  above B  both   C  money   D  woman

10 (   ) large   A  foreign B  agree   C  dangerous   D  singer

二.单项选择 (40分)

(   )11. In 1937, a war between China and Japan ____.

A broke out   B  broke down  C broke into  D broke up

(   )12. Do you mind ___ the door?

A  close    B  to close      C  closing      D  closed

(   )13. Why ______her do as she likes ?

A  not let    B  don’t let   C  not ask    D  don’t you ask

(   )14 He ____ in the city since 1998.

A  lived   B  has lived C  had lived   D  have lived

(   )15. Will you please tell me how ______ this word in English ?

A  say   B  said    C  to say    D  should say

(   )16. I don’t know the news ____ he tells me.

A unless   B  when  C  until  D  if

(   ) 17.---When did he ______ the army?----Last year.

A  attend   B   take part in    C  join in    D  join

(   )18.Why were the two girls _____ yesterday?.

A  in low spirit  B  in low spirits  C  on low spirit  D on low spirits

(   )19.The old man suddenly fell ___ and died

A out   B upon   C off     D  down

(    )20.The woman is eager ____ her husband.

A   see     B   to see      C   seeing        D  seen

(    )21.The girl _______ in the classroom is my sister.

A  sing  B  is singing  C  singing  D  sang

(   )22.China has a _______ history..

A  five-thousand-year   B  five thousands years

C  five-thousands-year  D  five thousand years

(   )23.He began his speech _____ a song

A  to   B  for   C  from   D  with

(   )24. I don’t believe ____ he said.

A  when  B  that  C  what  D  where

(   )25.She wants everyone ____ her..

A  undersand  B  understanding C  undersood  D  to understand

(   )26. Five cars are parked _______ the building.

A  in front of  B  in the front of  C  in front  D  in the front

(   ) 27. I have no doubt____ he has been to America.

A  that  B  where  C  what  D  when

(   ) 28. She hasn’t written to her family since she left. Her family _____her very much.

A  is concerned about  B  are concerned about

C  is concerned to     D  are concerned to

(   )29. China is a ________ country.

A  developed  B  developing  C  to develop  D to be developed

(   ) 30. My brother ____ an egg for breakfast

A is used to eat B  used to eat C  is used to eating D  used to eating

(   ) 31. Carelessness always ____ driving accidents.

A  cause  B  causes  C  caused  D  to cause

(   ) 32. I like reading the novels ____ by Lu Xun.

A  write   B  to write  C  wrote  D  written

(   ) 33. His father _____ smoke, but now he doesn’t.

A  used to  B  is used to  C  gets used to  D  get used to

(   ) 34. _____ the  help of them, I achieved success in that work.

A  With   B  In  C  For  D  Because

(   ) 35. Smokers should ________ smoking .

A  give in    B  give up  C  give out  D  give away

(   ) 36.The old man has to ____ a living by himself.

A  make  B  take   C  have  D  get

(   ) 37.My brother is so shy that he always keeps ____at any time..

A  silent  B  silence  C in silent  D  silently

(   ) 38. The bike is old enough to need ________.

A  repaired  B  to repair C  repairing  D  repair

(   ) 39.We are ready ___ the Spring Festival..

A  for  B  on     C  to  D  at

(   ) 40. Students aren’t allowed _______.

A  smoke  B  to smoke   C  smoking   D  smoked

(   )41.I want to know ______

A  whether your father smokes   B whether does your father smoke

C  that your father smokes      D  that does your father smoke

(   )42.We shouldn’t eat ___ fat in our daily life.

A  too many   B  too  C  too much   D  much too

(   )43.It is no use ____ him to come here on time..

A  advise    B  advising   C  to advise  D  advised

(   )44.Modern communication enables us ___________ with others quickly.

A  communicate         B  communicating

C  communicated       D  to communicate

(   )45.It is sometimes hard to translate a very simple sentence from Chinese

____ English.

A  to         B  into         C  for         D  in

(   )46.It is raining hard. Please ___your raincoat.

A  dress   B  wear   C  put on  D  have on

(   )47.Tom and I grew up together, _____ two brothers..

A  alike      B  as     C  just as   D  just like

(   )48.They ___ two years ____ this building.

A took, to build  B  spent, to build C spent, building  D took, building

(   )49 It’s five years since I ___you last time.

A  meet  B met  C  have met  D  had met

(   )50._____ you saw and heard in the past is a great treasure for you.

A  That    B  What   C  Which   D. Whether

三.完型填空 (20分)

I’m taking my family abroad this year. My wife and I and our two children ___51____.  My older brother is a farmer. He has never been ___52__ and he ___53___to go with us. First he will go __54___from his farm to the bus station. He'll take a bus to our ___55___. From here, we'll all go together. We are going to go by train to New York, and then ___56___ to Europe. When we ___57___ Europe, we' re going___58___ a car and drive ___59___ we want to go. Then we'll return the car. We are planning to fly home. It took us a long time to decide where to go, but I think we __60__ a very interesting trip. At first we wanted to fly because it ___61__ faster and ___62___ us more time for sight - seeing but my brother was very anxious to take a boat trip. The children will enjoy that, too.

We don' t know how many suitcases to take. We can take as many suitcases as we wish ___63___ the train and the ship. But when we travel ___64___ van and come home by plane, we will have a problem. We can only have forty - four pounds __65___ each person on the plane, and that isn’t very much. My wife ___66__ what we ___67___ with us. She can get a lot of things ___68__ each suitcase. She puts all the heavy things in the suitcase first, and then puts the lighter things in. She puts the square things ___69__ the corners and the round things in the middle. She packs very well. My brother has no problem. He just __70___ one small suitcase wherever he goes, and always has everything he needs.

(   )51. A. are all going B. is all going C. are to go   D. is to go

(   )52. A. in overseas    B. to overseas C. overseas   D. on overseas

(   )53. A. decide B. is deciding C. decided   D. has decided

(   )54. A. by horseback B. on horseback

C. at horseback    D. over horseback

(   )55. A. house      B. home    C. cottage   D. camp

(   )56. A. to take a ship B. taking a ship C. go      D. travel

(   )57. A . reach in    B. reach at    C. arrive in   D. arrive at

(   )58. A. loan          B. lend       C. borrow   D. to rent

(   )59. A. anywhere    B. everywhere C. wherever  D. somewhere

(   )60. A. had planned    B. have plannedC. plan      D. are planning

(   )61. A. is          B. will be    C. was      D. would be

(   )62. A. would give    B. will give    C. gave      D. gives
(   )63.A.on            B. in         C. at      D. by
(   )64.A.on            B. by        C. at      D. inside
(   )65.A.to            B. of          C. with      D. for

(   )66. A. decides       B. decided    C. will decide D. would decide

(   )67. A. take          B. will take    C. took      D. should take

(   )68. A. in           B. inside      C. into      D. to

(   )69. A. in       B. at          C. on        D. to

(   )70. A. bring    B. carry          C. takes        D. fetches



The Brown family lived in a very small house. One day they decided to buy two new beds for it. Mr. and Mrs. Brown went to a shop and paid for two new beds. The shop made a mistake and sent four beds. The Browns were unhappy because they didn’t have room for so many beds.

Mrs. Brown called the shop about the problem. The truck from the shop came, but it didn’t take back the extra beds. It brought two more, and then there were six beds. Mrs. Brown called the shop again. The truck came, but it did not take away the four extra beds, it brought four more beds and then there were ten.

There were beds everywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were much worried. They didn’t know what to do with so many beds. They were afraid to call the shop again, but they had to ask the shop to take back those extra beds.

(   )71. Mr. and Mrs. Brown wanted to buy _______.

A. two new beds  B. ten beds   C. a new truck   D. one bedroom

(   )72. The shop sent _______ to the Browns.

A. two new beds             B. too many beds

C. the wrong truck           D. six beds

(   )73. The word “mistake” means _______.

A. new bed               B. truck driver

C. something wrong         D. something right

(   )74. How many times did the shop send the beds to the Browns?

A. Once     B. Twice      C. Three times    D. Four times

(   )75. What do you think the Browns would do?

A. They had to build a bigger house.

B. They were going to leave their house.

C. They would pay for all the extra beds.

D. They had to call the shop again.


John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy.

One evening, a few days before John’s seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers in his bedroom before he went to bed. “Please, God,” he shouted, “make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday.”

His mother was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly.

“Why are you shouting, John?” she asked her son. “God can you hear you when you talk quietly.”

“I know,” answered the clever boy with a smile, “but Grandfather’s in the next room, and he can’t.”

(   )76. Why John’s mother didn’t like giving him any chocolates?

A. John wasn’t a good boy.

B. John was too fat to eat them.

C. There were no chocolates in the shop.

D. The chocolates were bad for his teeth.

(   )77. John’ _________ sometimes bought him chocolates.

A. mother   B. father     C. grandfather    D. grandmother

(   )78. If John’s grandfather gave John some chocolates to eat, his mother would ________.

A. be angry  B. let John eat  C. ask her father to eat D. eat some

(   )79. John was ________ years old.

A. seven      B. six       C. eight       D. nine

(   )80. John shouted his prayers because __________.

A. he was afraid that God could not hear him

B. he enjoyed shouting his prayers very much

C. he was afraid that his grandfather could not hear him

D. he was afraid his mother couldn’t hear him


A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much to buy a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it very much, but the owner of the shop asked for 500 dollars for it. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, took the watch out of the owner’s hand and ran out with it. It all happened in a few second. When the owner ran out into the street the young man was already lost among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the stolen watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” he said in a low voice. “It is only 100 dollars.”

“The young man didn’t know I saw him stealing the watch,” he thought. The American paid at once and went back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch.

His friend took a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, “You are a fool. This watch isn’t worth even ten dollars. I’m sure the shop owner and the young man planned this together.

(   )81. The rich man saw _______.

A. an expensive watch and he liked it.

B. a nice-looking watch, but it wasn’t cheap really

C. a nice-looking watch and he bought it in the shop

D. an expensive watch and spent less money on it

(   )82. The young man _________.

A. knew the rich man

B. and the owner were friends

C. was the owner’s person

D. was a thief

(   )83. The rich man was _______ the stolen watch.

A. very glad to buy             B. afraid, so he didn’t buy

C. very sorry not to buy          D. happy to sell

(   )84. The young man _____ the rich man had seen him stealing the watch.

A. knew    B. didn’t know   C. found    D. was afraid that

(   )85. _________ knew how much the watch was worth.

A. The young man never         B. The owner never

C. The rich man                D. The rich man’s friend


When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the 18th century, people had different idea about their uses. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to people and they would cause people to die. In Sweden the man who was once a king decided to find out whether this was true or not. It happened that there were two twins who were almost exactly alike in every way. They had both been let them live if one of them agreed to drink several cups of tea each day and the other several cups of coffee. They did as they were ordered. Sure enough, the brothers lived for many years without problems of kind.

At last the brother who had to drink tea every day died at the age of 83, and the other died a few years later. Because of this, Sweden is today one of the countries where a lot of tea and coffee are drunk.

( )86、Tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in _________.
  A  19th century   B 18th century  C  in 1801   D、1921
( )87、The twins did the things that _________.
  A  the king ordered  B their father ordered

C  their mother told  D  people told
( )88、Sweden is today one of the countries where _______ are drunk.
  A  a lot of tea and coffee  B a lot of milk  C a lot of coffee D  a lot of tea
( )89、Tea and coffee are not ________.

A、harmful   B、useful   C、important  D、helpful

( )90、The twins _______ to drink several cups of tea and coffee.
  A、agreed  B、disagreed  C、were glad  D、were angry

五.改错题 (10分)

1. I’m kind to her but why can’t she be friend to me?

2. Xiao Wang’s sister is studying at an university in Beijing.

3. My teacher told us that was necessary to arrive at school on time.

4. The weather in Beijing is much hotter than it in Changchun.

5. I can tell them interested stories and play games with them.

6. The number of people who travel by plane in China are larger than ever before.

7. There are a map, two knives and three books on the desk.

8. He took the boy by his arm and entered the room.

9. I don’t know who is he really.

10. By the end of last year, I have worked here for 20 years.

七.写作题 (20分)

以 “My favorit sports”为题,写一篇字数60—80字的英语短文。


1~5   DCBDD   6~10   DDDCC

1~5   ACABC   6~10   CDBDB 11~15  CADCD  16~20  AABBC

21~25 BDAAB    26~30  AACAB  31~35  ACBDB  36~40  CDCBB


1~5  ABDBB  6~10  DCDCB  11~15 DAABD  16~20 ADAAC

四1~5  ABCCD  6~10  DCBBC  11~15 BCAAD  16~20 BAAAA


1. friend改成 friendly          2. an改成a

3. that改成it                    4. it改成that

5. interested改成interesting              6. are改成is

7. are改成is    8. his改成the

9. is he改成he is                 10.have改成had

