




Dragon is the symbol of the birth and cultural beginning of the Chinese nation. It is the totem worshipped by the Chinese people. The spirit of the dragon, which is powerful, courageous, invincible and fearless, is exactly what the Chinese nation needs to expel the evil spirits, protect the safety of the house, and hope for plenty of food and clothing and prosperity. For this reason, no matter the high or low building level, the house owners are decorated with "dragon" at the end of the berm ridge and the corner ridge to avoid evil, and to show the authority and status of the house owners.

In Chinese traditional culture, nine is often used to express a lot of things, and it has the supreme status. Nine is an imaginary number, and it is also an expensive number, so it is used to describe the dragon.

It's the ninth son of the ninth son of the dragon. It's a dragon shaped beast with a broad mouth and thick noise. It's easy to swallow in life. The curly tail taps at both ends of the ridge are its remains. In ancient palace buildings, only the officials could own the five spines and six beasts. Some of the dwellings will have a small kiss. It is often arranged on the ridge of Chinese palace buildings, with a sword to fix it. A small beast made of clay is invited to the roofs of palaces, temples and dignitaries to look down on the world. It is really a bit of "smooth progress".

Among the people, dragon symbolizes beauty and auspiciousness, as well as good feelings between men and women. The creation of dragon's longevity cup combines the beauty of dragon's body shape and the beautiful implication of longevity cup. It selects Indian small leaf red sandalwood with large caliber, and reproduces the new level of fairy wood carving technology with the continuous improvement of carving and slow work!






