Better be home soon

Somewhere deep inside在我心深处

Somethings got a hold on you总有什么事牵动着我

And it's pushing me aside将我推向一个角落

See it stretch on forever这种思绪一直在蔓延

I know Im right我知道我是对的

For the first time in my life生命里第一次如此感觉

That's why I tell you那就是为何要告诉你

You'd better be home soon你最好尽快回家

Stripping back the coats和我解开谎言与欺骗

Of lies and deception的外衣

Back to nothingness要想当一切没有发生

Like a week in the desert就像一周穿越沙漠一样不可能

I know I'm right我知道我是对的

For the first time in my life生命里第一次如此感觉

That's why I tell you那就是为何要告诉你

Youd better be home soon你要尽快回家的理由

So don't say no, don't say nothing's wrong请不要拒绝,也别说没什么不对劲

Cos when you get back home maybe I'll be gone因为当你回家的时候,我可能已经离开

It would cause me pain尽管这会令我痛苦

If we were to end it当我们不得不结束的时候

But I could start again但我会重新开始

You can depend on it请你相信我

I know Im right我知道我是对的

For the first time in my life生命里第一次如此感觉

That's why I tell you那就是我为何告诉你

You'd better be home soon你要尽快回家的理由

Thats why I tell you那就是我为何告诉你

You'd better be home soon你要尽快回家的理由

