2018年10月17日,著名的理论物理学家Mchael Berry(迈克尔.贝里)在国防科技大学,前沿交叉学院做了一场关于光学的学术报告——《Nature’s optics and our understanding of light》。报告首先从自然界彩虹现象出发,再到太阳光的折射散射,加上形象生动的演讲,严谨的逻辑推理和精炼简洁的数学公式。给大家呈现了一次丰盛的学术盛宴。
1.Several numerial coincidences underly the comparable brightnesses of the two earthlights on the moon(less familiar than the coincidentally similar angular sizes of the solar eclipse). The blue day sky and natural crystals exibit the:
Polarization singularities being intensively explored as one of the pillars ot singualr optics
Gemetric phases and
Conical intersections (=Hamilton cones =Dirac points) first appeared in crystal optics.
Gemoetry of visual illusions that mislead our perpection are exemplified by the squint moon.
2. the sky as an optics laboratory
Caustics-the singularities of geomertical optics-are central to understanding rainbows, the sparkling of the light on water, mirages…
Numerial experiments played a central part in understanding both the ray and wave aspects of rainbows.Replacing numerical experiments by analysis ed to a seminal insight into
Mathmatical asymptotics, still being developed now, with new classes of applications
Dispersion explains the green flash, as well as the rainbow colours in geometrical optics
Complex angular momentum, in the form of
Regge poles , supplied the sky to understanding the glory
这次报告,贝里教授回顾了自己学术生涯所做的光学相关领域的工作。经典和量子之间,粒子和波之间,存在着许多尚未完全弄清楚的现象,概况的讲就是边界之间的物理理论。而贝里教授,正是在这个领域做出了开创性的工作——比如以他命名的的几何相位(berry phase)和混沌几何。
1.Berry.M.V.2015.”Nature’s optics and our understanding of lights”, contemporary physiss,56
2.Berry.M.V.”The squint Moon and witch ball”,New J.Phys. 17.060201(11pp)
迈克尔.贝里教授生于1941年,现为英国布里斯托大学Mlville Wills 荣休物理学教授,是当今享负盛名的理论物理学家之一。贝里教授善于发掘看似不相关的物理现象之间的关系,器学术贡献广泛的贯穿于物理学的多个不同方向。尤其是以他命名的贝里相位(Berry Phase)的概念影响深远,被广泛的应用于粒子物理,量子光学,凝聚态物理,以及众多的前沿交叉领域。
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