USCG先是检查了ANSAC Moon Bear轮的logbook,发现压载水未经处理非法排入美国海域,original估计船员根本不了解美国和IMO执行的不是一个政策,否则记录是不会出错的。船东被要求支付5000美元违规罚款通知或提供38175美元担保金。
USCG强调驶入美国海域的船舶应当注意美国已经强制实施压载水公约,尽管IMO还没有强制实施,根据IMO的要求,依据不同的船型及建造标准,IMO需要2024年强制实施(The Coast Guard has repeatedly warned vessel operators that American ballast water regulations differ from IMO requirements, and that they are already entering into effect. Depending upon each vessel's date of construction and survey schedule, IMO BWMS requirements will not go into effect until as late as 2024.)
USCG对非法排放压载水已处罚多起,2月份散货船Vega Mars 因为同样的原因被处罚,这艘船同样是日本船级社,日本船东,详情如下:我只能讲这是NKK船级社工作不到位,没有给船东及时提示。
很简单,USCG最近发现有些船舶在美国海域通过sequential exchage method的方法置换压载水,并且是按照压载水管理符合证明操作的,船方认为这种操作是符合压在水公约D-1部分的内容,美国佬认为尽管sequential exchage method符合压载水公约,同时该符合证明也是按照压载水公约制定的,但是美国老美没有签署IMO主导的压载水公约,因此为防止外来压载水污染美国海域,在美国要执行美国标准:the requirements of 33 CFR 151 Subparts C and D.在美国处理压载水只能按照以下五种方法:
1、使用USCG认可的压载水管理系统(Use a Coast Guard-approved ballast water management system (BWMS));
2、使用来自U.S. public water system (PWS)的水(Use only water from a U.S. public water system (PWS));
3、使用替代系统(仅仅在符合日期签注五年内有效)(Use an alternate management system (AMS) [NOTE: Only valid for 5-years from compliance date]);
4、不要排放压在水在美国水域(大陆架12海里之内)(Do not discharge BW into waters of the United States (includes the territorial sea as extended to 12 nautical miles from the baseline);)
5、排放压载水至岸上或水上接受设施。(Discharge to a facility onshore or to another vessel for purposes of treatment)
声明最后强调,在美国违反压载水排放规定会被:costly delays, environmental deficiencies, civil enforcement action。个人觉得为了排放点压载水遭受civil enforcement action,真是不值得,各位看官小心了