

中国检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率17695.11%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码04102     Emergency fire pump and its pipes缺陷描述Emergency fire pump failed to pump out water. (30)缺陷照片

2澳大利亚检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率6456.15%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码07111      Personal equipment for fire safety缺陷描述2 SCBA in FOCSLE defective. Air cylinders found half empty and unable to remove cylinders .   SOLAS ch. II-2, S74-24/CII-2/R10.10 (30)缺陷照片

3日本检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率10932.75%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码03105     Covers (hatchway-, portable-, tarpaulins, etc.)缺陷描述Cargo hold hatch cover - not secured weather tight-ness due to 1.most of all ineffective clamping hooks 2.numerous partly removed elastic gaskets of hatch cover 3.no protection of drain holes on cargo hatch coaming aft. end both side (30)缺陷照片

4俄罗斯检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率30413.33%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码14503     Garbage management plan缺陷描述Garbage management plan not up to date in according with MEPC 277(70) MARPOL Annex V, M73/78/ANV/R9.2;(30)缺陷照片


