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本次文献选自Zakrzewska JM. Differential diagnosis of facial pain and guidelines for management. Br J Anaesth. 2013;111(1):95-104.本次学习由杨聪娴副主任医师主讲。

Approach to facial pain diagnosis
History and examination
To make an accurate diagnosis it is essential to listen to thehistory and allow time for the patient to complete theiropening statement. The pain history needs to includedetails on:
Timing: onset, duration, and periodicity.
Location and radiation (e.g. within nerve distribution).
Quality and severity.
Relieving and aggravating factors (e.g. effect of hot,cold sweet foods, prolonged chewing, eating, brushingof teeth, touching the face, weather, physical activity,posture, stress, and tiredness).
Associated factors (e.g. taste, salivary flflow, clenching,bruxing habits, locking or clicking of jaw joint, alteredsensation, nasal, eye, or ear symptoms).
Other pain conditions (e.g. headaches, migraines,chronic widespread pain, and fifibromyalgia).
Impact of pain (e.g. sleep, mood, concentration, fatigue,beliefs, and quality of life).

As with all chronic pain, psychological assessment, familyhistory (e.g. TMDs have a genetic predisposition), socialhistory, and signifificant life events need to be determined.It is useful to ascertain the healthcare professionals theyhave accessed including complementary and alternativemedicine practitioners. A full drug history is important anda past and present medical history.
Extraoral examination is confifined generally to the headand neck region. Visual inspection will show up any colourchanges, swellings, and skin lesions. Palpation of lumps orsalivary glands may be indicated in some circumstances.Examination includes the muscles of mastication, head andneck muscles for tenderness and trigger points, musclehypertrophy, and movement of the temporomandibularjoint including crepitus. The cranial nerves need to be examined. Intraoral examination includes the hard tissues andteeth for obvious dental pathology including decay, mobileteeth, excessive wear facets (indicating bruxism), occlusion,ability to open and fifixed, and removal appliances. The oralmucosa is examined for soft tissue lesions.
As pain is subjective, it is useful to use questionnaires to helpin assessment and monitoring of effects of therapy. Questionnaires such as the Brief Pain Inventory, Beck DepressionInventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, McGillPain Questionnaire, and Oral Impacts on Daily Performance(OHIP) have all been well validated and are sensitive. Laboratory investigations are not of great importance, except in thepotential diagnosis of cranial arteritis and for auto-immunedisorders such as Sjogren’s syndrome. Imaging is especiallyimportant for dental pain and consists mainly of localX-rays which can be carried out in every dental practice.Dental panoramic tomographs are very useful for bonylesions or cysts and are available in most hospitals butalso in larger dental practices (for further details, see e.g. Zakrzewska4). Salivary gland diseases are best investigated usingultra sound. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) and computerized tomography (CTs) are indicated in some conditions.