


A: How excited to see you, Lucy! How was your first day of school?

B: Me too. It was great. I had a really good time.

A: It sounds great.1. ___________________?

B: Well, I had English from 9:00 to 9: 40, art from 10:00 to 10:40, and math from 11: 00 to 11:40.

A:2.______________ ?

B. To be honest, I like all of them, but I like my math teacher best. 3.________________________.

A: You're so lucky. How is your English teacher? Are you able to understand everything that she says?

B: 4.____________________ .She speaks very clearly and doesn't use very difficult words so that it is easy for us to understand her.

A: She sounds like a good teacher. How about your classmates?

B:5. ___________________.How about you?

A: Wow, lucky you! I also like my English teacher. She is patient, kind, caring, and yet strict, too.

B: It seems that we both have good English teachers. I think we can make great progress in English.



A:Excuse me,I'd like to buy some books.1._____________?

B:Yes.Go down this street and turn left when you see a shoe store.Go on walking and you will see a bookstore on your right.

A:I see.2._______________?

B:Yes,it's open.lt closes at 8:30 p.m.It's still early now.


B:Yes,there are many cookbooks on the third floor.

A:What about children's books?

B:Hmm,they are on the fifth floor.

A:It seems you know the bookstore very we11.4._________?

B:Of course.As long as I'm free,I'll go there to do some reading.


B:About 10 minutes.You can ride a shared bike.It will save you half of time.

A:Thank you very much.



A:Hello, Wang Lin! Long time no see. 1. ______________.

B:I have been on vacation in Chongqing.

A:2. _____________.

B:I went there by train. The high-speed train ran very fast.

A:How long did it take you to get there?

B:3.______________. It used to take over five hours.

A:New technology makes our life easier. What a happy life we are living!

B:4. ____________. But in some poor areas, many people are still living a hard life.

A:Yes. What can we do to help them?

B:5. _____________.

A:Sounds great! But how can we do that?

B:I have no good idea. Let’ s find our teacher for help.



Lisa:Hi Jane you made great progress in English during a long winter vacation.1.__________________?
Jane: Just by taking online courses and finishing my homework in time. Sometimes I watched the online classes again when necessary
Lisa:But I didn’t make full use of that time. So I can’t catch up with my classmates now. 2._____________________.
Jane:Don’t worry.3._____________________.
Lisa: Good idea. when I have difficulties,Can I ask you for help?
Jane: No problem.4.___________________.
Lisa:It’s very kind of you. By the way, wha’s your favourite festival?
Jane:The Spring Festival, People always get together and do some cleaning,buy some food and new clothes.
Lisa:5._________________. I hope that we can enjoy it together.



A: Hello, I'm Barry Lai, a reporter with TV News. Would you mind answering a few questions about the events of this afternoon?

B:1 _________________?

A: All right then. 2.__________________?

B: I was shopping in Central Mall

A: How many birds do you think there were?

B: I'd say there were about 1 000 birds in all


B: They were small brown and green birds


B: Well, they came down and landed in Statue Square. They stayed there for about 15 minutes before flying off again.

A: How did people react?

B: Oh, everyone was amazed. Traffic stopped completely and the police had to be called

A: OK. Thanks very much for talking to me.




1. What class did you have?

2. What do you think of your new teachers/How are your new teachers/.....

3. He’s so funny/He is very humorous/......

4. Of course/sure/Yes/Almost everything......

5. They are very friendly/They are likely to make friends with me.


1.Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest bookstore/Could you tell me how to get to the nearest bookstore

2.Do you know if it is open now

3.Are there any Cookbooks in the bookstore

4.Do you often go /read there.

5.How long will it take me to walk there


1.  Where have you been

2.   How did you go / get / arrive there

3.   It took about one hour/ two / three / ... hours

4.   You are right / I agree with you / I think so? too/...

5.   What / How about raising money/giving away books/. . . for them


1.How do you study English?
2.I feel worried and hopeless.
3.Read a lot and do exercises and you will get improved.
4.I am always there if you need help.
5.Sounds interesting.


1. Where is Tom?

2. When did he go there?

3. Has he ever been there before?

4. Who/ Whom did he go with?

5. When will he be/ come back?(只要符合日常交际用语即可)

