文献研究,声母,韵母,音素教学,语流教学,拼读,热,认读,听写,字,(笔画,部件,整字),(六书与汉字的结构,古汉语常用词)词的累聚,词义的单位,词汇意义(理性义和色彩义)和语法意义(单义词,基本义,转义,引申义,比喻义)和,义项,词类及其功能,短语,古汉语常用词,句式,句型,句类,古汉语常用句式,复句,逻辑,修辞,记叙文,抒情文,议论文,说明文,小学,初中,高中,古代文体,初中,高中。Literature research, the initials, finals, words, the structure of Chinese characters and Chinese characters, the ancient Chinese vocabulary) accumulation of words, the meaning of unit, the meanings of parts of speech and functions of phrase, the ancient Chinese vocabulary, sentence structure, sentence patterns, other classes, the sentence pattern frequently used in ancient Chinese and Uighur, logic, rhetoric, narrative, lyrical, argument, exposition, elementary school, junior high school, high school, the ancient literary style, the junior middle school, High school