
● 中国好声音 ●

●●●The Voice of China●●●

中国肺癌领域2008-2020三大国际顶级肿瘤学会议大会发言共计31项(其中ASCO 9项,AACR 7项,ESMO 15项)


2008ASCO: Value of 18F-FETNIM PET-CT for detection of tumor hypoxia in non-small-cell lung cancer  于金明  山东肿瘤医院

J.M. Yu

2008ASCO: Molecular Imaging with 11C-PD153035 PET/CT to EGFR-TKI in advanced non-small cell lung cancer  于金明 山东肿瘤医院

J.M. Yu

2011ASCO: Gefitinib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients withlocally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (INFORM; C-TONG0804): a multicentre, double-blind randomised phase 3 trial  张力 中山大学肿瘤防治中心

L. Zhang

2017ASCO: Gefitinib versus vinorelbine plus cisplatin as adjuvant treatment for stage II-IIIA(N1-N2) EGFR-mutant NSCLC (ADJUVANT/CTONG1104): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 study  吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2018ASCO: Dacomitinib(daco)versus gefitinib(gef)for first-line treatment of advanced NSCLC (ARCHER 1050) : Final overall survival (OS) analysis  莫树锦(Tony Mok)香港中文大学

T.S.K. Mok

2020ASCO: First-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor with or without aggressive upfront local radiation therapy in patients with EGFRm oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer: Interim results of a randomized phase III, open-label clinical trial (SINDAS) (NCT02893332)  王晓珊  四川省人民医院

X.S. Wang

2020ASCO: Different response to ALK inhibitors in EML4-ALK positive mediastinal cancer of unknown primary  胡春宏  中南大学湘雅二院

C.H Hu

2020ASCO: Utilizing phenotypic characteristics of metastatic brain tumors to predict the probablity of circulating tumor DNA detection from cerebrospinal fluid  陈丽昆  中山大学肿瘤防治中心

L.K. Chen

2020ASCO: CTONG1104: Adjuvant gefitinib verus chemotherapy for resected N1-N2 NSCLC with EGFR mutation-Final overall survival analysis of the randomized phase III trial 1 analysis of the randomized phase III trial 吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2018AACR: Nivolumab Versus Docetaxel in a Predominantly Chinese Patient Population With Previously Treated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Results of the Phase 3 CheckMate 078 Study   吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2019AACR: Preliminary efficacy and safety results of savolitinib treating patients with PSC and other NSCLC harboring MET exon 14 skipping mutations (NCT02897479)  陆舜  上海交通大学附属胸科医院

S. Lu

2019AACR: Tumor-derived cell-free DNA from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF): A potential liquid biopsy analysis in lung cancer patients  张新  复旦大学附属中山医院

X. Zhang

2020AACR: A phase I study of cMET inhibitor bozitinib in patients with advanced NSCLC harboring cMET alterations   吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2020AACR: Almonertinib (HS-10296) for central nervous system metastases in pretreated EGFR T790M-positive locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer data from APOLLO study  陆舜  上海交通大学附属胸科医院

S. Lu

2020AACR: Camrelizumab plus apatinib in extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (PASSION): A multicencer, two-stage,phase 2 trial  王洁  中国医学科学院肿瘤医院

J. Wang

2020AACR: The experience of treating patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in China  张莉  华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院


2010ESMO: Erlotinib versus chemotherapy as first-line treatment for patients with advanced EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (OPTIMAL, CTONG-0802): a multicentre, open-label,randomised, phase 3 study 周彩存 同济大学附属肺科医院

C.C. Zhou

2012ESMO: Biomarker Analyses and Overall Survival (OS) from the Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3, Fastact-2 Study of Intercalated Erlotinib with First-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 莫树锦(Tony Mok)  香港中文大学

T.S.K. Mok

2014ESMO: Impact of Harvested Lymph Nodes Count on Staging and Survival at Radical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: a Minimum of 14 Lymph Nodes Should Be Sampled  梁文华  广州医科大学附属第一医院

W.H. Liang

2014ESMO: EGFR Mutation and Survival Outcomes in Patients with Completely Resected Lung Adenocarcinoma-a Multiple Centers, Non-Interventional Study (Ican Trial)  吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2014ESMO:  Clinical Value of Circulating Tumor Cells in Monitoring Treatment Response in Chinese Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer  程颖 吉林省肿瘤医院

Y. Cheng

2015ESMO: Recombinant Human Endostatin Combined with Chemotherapy for Malignant Pleural Effusion  胡艳萍 湖北省肿瘤医院

Y.P. Hu

2016ESMO: Multi-centre randomized controlled study comparing adjuvant vs neo-adjuvantchemotherapy with docetaxel plus carboplatin in resectable stage IB to IIIA NSCLC final results of CSLC0501  吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2016ESMO: First-in-human study of AC0010, a novel irreversible, mutant-selective EGFR inhibitor in patients with 1st generation EGFR TKI-resistant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)  张力  中山大学肿瘤防治中心

L. Zhang

2018ESMO: CTONG 1103: Erlotinib versus gemcitabine plus cisplatin as neo-adjuvant treatment for stage IIIA-N2 EGFR-mutation non-small cell lung cancer (EMERGING): A randomised study  钟文昭  广东省人民医院

W.Z. Zhong

2018ESMO: Phase II study of tepotinib + gefitinib (TEP+GEF) in MET-positive (MET+)/epidermal growth fact or receptor (EGFR)-mutant (MT) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)  吴一龙 广东省人民医院

Y.L. Wu

2018ESMO: Primary results of ALESIA: A randomised, phase III, open-label study of alectinib vs crizotinib in Asian patients with treatment-naive ALK+ advanced NSCLC  周彩存 同济大学附属肺科医院

C.C. Zhou

2019ESMO: Overall survival (OS) update in ALTER 1202: Anlotinib as third-line or further-line treatment in relapsed small-cell lung cancer (SCLC)  程颖 吉林省肿瘤医院

Y. Cheng

2019ESMO: CTONG 1509: Phase III study of bevacizumab with or without erlotinib in untreated Chinese patients with advanced EGFR-mutated NSCLC 周清 广东省人民医院

Q. Zhou

2019ESMO: Integrated Genomic Mutation and DNA Methylation Analyses of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases  范云  中国科学院大学附属医院(浙江省肿瘤医院)

Y.J. Xu

2020ESMO: A Phase 1b Study of TQB2450 in Combination with Anlotinib in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumor  程颖  吉林省肿瘤医院

Y. Cheng



  • 【ASCO 2021连连看】燃石成果分享,EGFR-TKI与MET-TKI联合治疗篇

    导语 近年来,靶向治疗极大地改善了有驱动基因的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者的存活率,对于表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)突变阳性的晚期肺腺癌患者,一线治疗使用酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI),如吉非替尼.厄洛 ...

  • 华人的骄傲:30分钟无创癌症精准诊断

    文丨Jopevi  陈坤  责编丨张楠 肺癌是除皮肤癌以外的人体第二大常见癌症,也是迄今为止,引发死亡率最高的癌症.自2008年开始,肺癌已取代肝癌成为中国头号癌症杀手.在过去的三十年里,中国人肺癌死 ...

  • 聚焦ASCO:阿美替尼一线数据公布,三代EGFR硝烟再起

    5月13日,翰森制药发布公告,附属公司江苏豪森药业集团有限公司开发的阿美乐(甲磺酸阿美替尼)一线治疗具有EGFR敏感突变的局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)上市申请获国家药品监督管理局(NMP ...

  • 肿瘤药物指标怎么看?简易搞懂PFS及OS,选药更稳当!

    近年来,肿瘤医学进步非常迅速,新药争先公布阳性数据及获批上市.例如在短短一年半内中国就上市了7种PD1/PDL1免疫药物,肺癌常见靶点EGFR的靶向药也已达到6种.在这百家争鸣.群雄割据的时代,患者该 ...

  • 2020ASCO

    编译:李峻岭 来源:医科院肿瘤医院李峻岭医生 李峻岭教授带来2020 ASCO晚期非小细胞肺癌免疫治疗研究进展解读. 摘要号9567 Phase II randomized trial of firs ...

  • 从ESMO/CSCO大会看非小细胞肺癌的临床治疗变迁

    肺癌是全球第一大恶性肿瘤,每年新发病例和死亡病例均位居恶性肿瘤的首位,同时也是我国发病率和致死率最高的恶性肿瘤.正是由于患者群体庞大,医疗卫生支出沉重,药物市场空间巨大,肺癌成为全球范围内临床医生和制 ...

  • 四代EGFR抑制剂:机遇还是鸡肋?

    肺癌是全球恶性肿瘤新发和致死病例最高的癌种,其中约85%为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC),而大部分NSCLC患者的外显子19或21常发生突变(分别占45%和40%),并激活表皮生长因子中的酪氨酸激酶结构域 ...

  • ASCO2021摘要精选50篇

    美国临床肿瘤学会( ASCO )年会已经是集参会规模.学术水平和权威性于一体的全球最顶级临床肿瘤学会议.2021年的ASCO年会将于6月4日-8日召开,众多国际前沿和备受关注的临床肿瘤学科研成果和临床 ...

  • 靶向HER2、HER3的“魔法子弹”在肺癌治疗中表现如何?一文理清!

    *仅供医学专业人士阅读参考 2021年国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)世界肺癌大会(WCLC)于2021年9月8日至14日以线上会议的形式举办.抗体偶联药物(ADC)以其高效.低毒.精准"打击 ...

  • 攻克靶向耐药,这几项研究有新!突!破!

    随着ASCO大会的结束,2021年上半年的三大肿瘤盛会也落下帷幕.这半年WCLC.AACR.ASCO学会都为肺癌领域带来新的突破,尤其是靶向药耐药研究也迎来了新的药物和新的治疗方案,让我们看到了更多的 ...