彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)90张素描,一次性看个够!(请查收)

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彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens,1577——1640),教名伯多禄·保禄·鲁宾斯,17世纪佛兰德斯画家,早期巴洛克艺术杰出代表,西班牙哈布斯堡王朝外交使节。彼得·保罗·鲁本斯是佛兰德斯画家,是巴洛克画派早期的代表人物。



Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Christian name: Peter Paul Rubens, 17th century Flemish painter, outstanding representative of early Baroque art, diplomatic envoy of Habsburg dynasty in Spain. Peter Paul Rubens is a Flemish painter and an early representative of Baroque painting school.

Rubens was born in sigen, Germany. After his father died, 12-year-old Rubens followed his mother back to Antwerp, his hometown under Spanish rule, where he was baptized by Catholicism, and religion has become a very important theme in Rubens's painter career.

From a narrow point of view, only by learning the shape of sketch and mastering light and shadow can we further learn color relations, cold and warm tones and so on. Therefore, in traditional painting schools,

sketch is indeed the basis of all advanced. This can be seen from the fact that painters in the Renaissance and before liked drawing matting before painting oil paintings. The representative works at this level are super realism like Leng Jun; His works need absolute sketch accumulation support.

But it's not that abstractionism, cubism and postmodernism can't use sketch. No matter which art school, the core idea is a different understanding of what artists observe, and sketch represents the lowest and purest direct observation. It is better to say that sketch thinking is an indispensable springboard for the improvement of artists' ideas than the technique of sketch is the basis of all painting.

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