Kaizen Events “Results through Education” (1)
The purpose of this document is to provide detailed informationregarding a suggested approach to the delivery of the proposed Emerson kaizenevents.
Detailed checklists are provided for each of the kaizen event types:
· Flow Line Design
· Total ProductiveMaintenance
· Setup Reduction
· Kanban Systems
Checklists for each type of kaizen event include:
· Event Agenda
· FacilitatorChecklist
· Team LeaderChecklist
· Team Report OutChecklist
Event Preparation Checklist: General
qIs this event a part of a broader, definedKaizen strategy?
qHas a 5S Level of 3 minimum been maintained in the areas involved?
qIs this event’s linkage to Value Stream Mapclear? Does sufficient opportunity exist to improve the key metrics andtransfer knowledge?
qDo any major issues exist that threaten a positiveoutcome? Ex. Resources Shortages, Conflicting Activities, Unwillingness todisrupt production.
qHave you publicize the event for awareness of the plant population?
qHave you drafted a preliminary agenda?
qDoes a positive Spirit exist in theAttitude of Supervision and Workers?
qHas Management Sponsored the event and/orwilling to Participate in it?
qHas a discussion occurred with Managementregarding expectations and likely outcomes?
qAre the area Workers and Supervisors clearon how their jobs and responsibilities will probably be impacted?
qHave you communicated a detailed agendawith clearly defined boundaries?
qHave you identified the team membership:Multi-shifts, Internal or External: Suppliers/Customers (SME’s and FSE’s),other Champions?
qHave you anticipated “Sub-teams” andidentified Sub-team leaders?
qHave you conducted a team member andsupervisors meeting in which the details of the event were addressed?
qAre all the area Workers and Supervisors clear on how their jobs andresponsibilities will probably be impacted?
qHave you selected/developed the necessarytraining materials?
qHave you identified the necessary supportrequirements? Ex. maintenance, riggers, engineers, set-up personnel. Is the“Kaizen Supply Shed” stocked?
qHave you arranged a meeting room for the entire kaizen team and anadditional breakout room?
qHas food, water and AV equipment beenarranged?
Team Leader Checklist:General
This information sheet is designed for theteam leaders and is directed at their duties as a facilitator of thoseteams.
Please be sure that everyone on your teamhas the required safety equipment for the shop floor. (ear plugs, safety glasses, footgear, headcoverings, etc.)
As always, when there is a large group ofpeople in a confined space the possibility of a safety related problem isincreased. Be alert to any potentialproblems and communicate them to your team.
You have been selected or have volunteeredto facilitate a team for this week’s activity in process flow. The duties and responsibilities of thisposition are:
qTo be sure all of your team members have the chance to participate.As this is a team effort, we want everyone to contribute to the development ofthe outcome through an active process. (All team members should play a pert in the reporting out of theoutcomes as well.)
qTo be sure that the team members are assigned specific roles andtasks and that they are accomplished. Remember that a team moves quickly as not all members need to do eachtask themselves. Tasks aredistributed. The strength of the teamcomes from sharing the information and ideas generated with all members.
qTo be responsible for the progress of the team in relation to themilestones of the agenda. If the teamhas trouble in doing this, the facilitators are required to surface theissue(s) to the event facilitator.
qTo facilitate “consensus” rather than waiting for “agreement” sothat the process moves forward.
qTo be sure that all materials and data required for each step aregathered and at hand.
qTo be sure that the area operators and representatives are involvedin the change process wherever possible.
qReports outs are prepared prior to your team’s adjournment the nightbefore.
Kaizen Event Agenda: General
Monday PM:
1. Opening andIntroductions and Agenda (to include safety rules, cultural and event norms)
2. HostChampion overview of plant wide Lean activities and results to date
3. HostChampion overview of the event Kaizen areas
4. Assignments, roles andresponsibilities, expectations (what we want to gain)
5. Review of Kaizen Daily ActivityChecklist (sequential activities and time line)
6. Key Metrics, review anddistribution of Kaizen area baseline data
7. Plant tour and observation ofKaizen area(s)
8. Leanoverview refresher (consultant and host Champion)
Tuesday AM:
1. Event specific classroominstruction (lecture, video, flip chart, few slides)
2. Principles and Methodology
3. Phases of transition fromcurrent to future state
4. Steps of implementation
5. Use of supporting baseline data
6. Introduction of forms, wallcharts, et al used during the event
7. Examples/instructions of how touse the event forms and other (i.e. stop watch) event tools
8. Launch event….
Tuesday PM:
1. Team(s) MeetPrior to Shopfloor Activity
2. Review baseline information
3. Review Kaizen ActivityChecklist (sequence of activities and time line for completion)
4. Make assignments and establish“huddle time” (team meeting for status/issues/et al)
5. Get started….
Kaizen Event Agenda: General(continued)
Wednesday AM and PM:
1. Team(s) MeetPrior to Shopfloor Activity
2. Review progress, ActivityChecklist, make assignments, and establish “huddle Time”
Thursday AM:
1. Team(s) MeetPrior to Shopfloor Activity
2. Review Activity Checklist,review kaizen event progress, and determine next step event actions
3. Make assignments and establish“huddle Time”
Thursday PM:
1. Continueevent
2. Begin process of finishing theKaizen event
3. Begin process of team reportdocumentation
Friday AM:
1. Finish the event
2. Prepare team report
3. Make team report
4. End event