Amazon Global Standard Work Tenets 亚马逊全球标准化守则(3 )
Tenet3: Attack the process and engage your people in developing solutions. Asmanagers we should obsess over associates needs so they can obsess over thecustomer’s needs.
a) Whydo we ask about what barriers are getting in your way?
1. Sowe can help remove them.
2. Wecan learn in real time what they are.
3. Werecord this information so that we can identify patterns and prioritize whichproblems to develop countermeasures against.
a) 为什么我们要问在你们的工作中有什么阻碍?
1. 这样我们可以帮助消除这些阻碍
2. 我们可以实时了解阻碍都是什么
3. 我们记录这些信息以便我们能够识别问题类型并且排定问题优先次序来制定解决措施
b) Whenyou see a problem, what do you do? How do you pull andon (ask for help) in thisarea?
1. Responsesmay include lights, flags, buzzers, whistles, yelling etc.
b) 当你发现一个问题你会怎么做?你会怎样触发这个区域的安灯(寻求帮助)?
1. 回答可能包括亮灯,旗子,蜂鸣器,哨子,呼叫等。
c) Whyis your input so valuable in making the process better?
1. You’reon the shop floor executing the process which gives you detailed understandingof what’s working and what’s not.
c) 为什么你们的反馈在使流程变得更好方面很有价值?
1. 你在厂房里正在执行这些流程,你会对什么是可行的,什么是不可行的有详细的理解。
d) What’sthe purpose of the daily Gemba Walk?
1. Thepurpose of the Gemba Walk is to give leadership a way to engage associatesabout barriers they are encountering.
d) 每日现场巡检的目的是什么?
1. 现场巡检的目的是给管理者提供一个途径深入了解员工工作中正在遇到的障碍