

【英译】Therefore, my advice is: If you know your enemy and know yourself, you will be safe in every battle; if you do not know your enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning and losing will be equal; if you are ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, you will be endangered in every encounter.


【英译】Sunzi said: War is a matter of the utmost importance to the state. Life or death hinges on it; it is the road to survival or extinction. It is something that must definitely not be neglected.To do this, it is necessary to examine each war situation from five angles to be taken into account in one's strategic deliberations: Morale, Weather, Terrain, Leadership and Discipline.

【英译】Sunzi said: The skilled warriors of old first made themselves invincible, and then waited for the enemy to bring defeat upon himself. Invincibility depends on oneself, but the enemy’s vulnerability depends upon the enemy himself. Consequently, those skilled in warfare can make themselves invincible, but cannot make the enemy vulnerable. So it can be said that the way to victory can be known in advance, but victory itself cannot be assured.
【英译】Sunzi said: In principle, managing a large force is the same as managing a small one; it is a matter of organization. Fighting against a large force is no different from fighting against a small one; it is a matter of command signals. An army should be able to repulse any all-out attack, by a combination of 'surprise and expectation.' Your men should advance like a millstone crushing an egg. That is how the weak overcome the strong.
【英译】Sunzi said: He who arrives first at the field of combat may await the enemy relaxed and prepared. He who arrives later and has to rush into battle is weary. Therefore, one who is skilled in warfare draws the enemy to him, and does not allow the enemy to draw him to an engagement.


【英译】Sunzi said: The normal way of maneuvering an army in wartime is for the commander, having received orders from his sovereign, to assemble his men and then place them in a favorable position. In the course of this, nothing is more difficult than maneuvering [to seize an advantageous location]. What is difficult about maneuvering is that it must make the roundabout direct and turn difficulties into advantages. So you make the enemy take a roundabout route, enticing him on with lures. You set out after him, but arrive before him. This is knowing the art of deviation.



【英译】Sunzi said: When war is resorted to, the commander receives orders from his sovereign, assembles his troops and gathers his supplies. He must not make camp on ground difficult of access. On ground intersected by roads he must coordinate with his allies. He must not linger on ground easy to isolate. When surrounded, he must resort to stratagem, and only as a last resort fight a last-ditch battle.



【英译】If the enemy's envoys speak humbly, yet his war preparations continue, he is planning to advance. If their words are aggressive and provocations increase, he is planning to withdraw. If his light chariots move out first, and take up positions on the flanks, the enemy is forming for battle. If he asks for peace talks although in no apparent difficulty, he is plotting something. If the enemy's army; both men and chariots, moves rapidly into formation, he has fixed a time for battle. If half his force advances and half retreats, the enemy is trying to decoy you.
【英译】 If a general treats his men like a doting parent they will follow him into the deepest ravine. If he treats them as if they were his own sons they will follow him even to death. If, however, he is indulgent toward his men to the extent that he cannot discipline them, kindly to the extent that he cannot get them to obey his commands, and lenient to the extent that he cannot bring them to proper order, then the men will become like spoilt children, useless for practical purposes.
【英译】In ancient times those said to be skilled in warfare ensured that the enemy's front and rear were kept apart, that his main force and his separate detachments could not rely on each other, that his officers and men could not support each other, that his troops in superior positions could not keep in contact with those in inferior positions, that dispersed enemy troops could not regroup, and that regrouped enemy troops could not fight in formation.
If the situation was advantageous, they took action; if not, they made no move. You may ask, 'When an enemy superior in number and in perfect formation advances against us, how should we react?' I would reply, 'Get ahead of him and seize something he cannot afford to lose. Then, he will be forced to follow your deployments.' Speed is vital in war. Get to positions the enemy is aiming at before he does. Follow routes he is neglecting, and attack him where he is unprepared.



【英译】Sunzi said: There are five targets of incendiary attacks: the enemy's men, his stores, his baggage wagons, his arsenals and his logistics lines.
【英译】Hence, of all the members of an army no one should have more direct access to the commander than the spy, no one should be more lavishly rewarded than the spy, and no one should be guaranteed greater confidentiality than the spy. It takes great wisdom to make proper use of spies; it takes humanity and generosity to handle them; and it takes delicacy and subtlety to get the truth out of them. It is a meticulous task indeed! There is no situation in which spies cannot be put to good use. If the details of spying operations are leaked beforehand, the spies involved and all those they have spoken to should be put to death.
