
在亚马逊传记 The Everything Store中有这样一段:



Empty Nest

Empty nest syndrome is a feeling of grief and loneliness parents or guardians may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university.

当越来越多孩子在上完大学之后“返巢”就造成了 "cluttered nest" or "crowded nest"。也就有了啃老族这个表达"Boomerang Generation"

named for the frequency with which they choose to cohabitate with their parents after a brief period of living on their own – thus boomeranging back to their place of origin.

A boomerang is a curved piece of wood that returns to the thrower if tossed correctly. To boomerang is to bounce back to a previous position like a boomerang.

graduate, boomerang!

如果你看The Big Bang Theory, Howie就是一直和他妈妈住在一起,即使是结婚了以后。我们看看啃老族代表人物Howie怎么说:

It's sad how some guys can't cut the apron strings.

“悲哀的是,有些人无法剪开围裙带” 是什么意思?

围裙带引伸为 complete control or dominance. 例如我们可以说 Howard, a grown-up man, still ties to his mother's apron strings.

因此 cut the apron strings 就是独立,不再依靠

例如, 结婚之后,自己或者对方的父母总是插手各种事情, 你会想 cut the apron strings.




