The Wave,USA
Oh, and the Wave doesn’t have a monopoly on Coyote Buttes North’s picturesque. Leave some time to explore nearby dinosaur tracks, Melody Arch, Top Rock, Fatali’s Boneyard, Sand Cove and the Second Wave.哦,而且波浪谷并没有垄断Coyote Buttes北部的如画风景。留下一些时间去探索附近的恐龙足迹、Melody Arch、Top Rock、Fatali's Boneyard、Sand Cove和Second Wave。Access world-class longform canyoneering in Paria Canyon’s Buckskin Gulch. Same trailhead as the Wave but a different (self-paid and unlimited) permit.
And if you don’t draw one of the coveted North permits, Coyote Buttes South is bigger and less crowded, with plenty of its own amorphous Jurassic earthwork. Some people even prefer the Wave-less (placid?) South section. See Paw Hole, Cottonwood Cove, teepees, fins, etc.
如果你没有拿到一个令人垂涎的北方许可证,南部的Coyote Buttes 更大,也不那么拥挤,有大量自己的侏罗纪无定形的土方工程。有些人甚至更喜欢南段的小波浪区(平静?)。能看见爪孔、棉白杨、圆锥形帐篷、鳍等。
Coyote Buttes North and South are areas to wander, not trails to hike, so bring a GPS and either hire a guide or do some homework. South permits are easier to come by, but apply early anyway. Four-wheel drive recommended.Coyote Buttes的南北方都是可以漫游的地方,而不是徒步旅行的小径,所以带上GPS,要么雇个导游,要么做些功课。南部的许可证比较容易获得,但无论如何要提早申请。建议使用四轮驱动汽车。Professional photographers, don’t even bother. At the Wave, even an idiot with a flip phone will take pictures that belong on a gallery wall. (Just kidding, pros. We can tell the difference. Do your thing.)专业摄影师,别费心了。在波浪谷中,即使是一个带翻盖手机的白痴也会拍到属于画廊墙上的照片。(开玩笑,专业人士。我们可以看出区别。做你最擅长的事吧。)If you’re hiking Coyote Buttes North, you literally won the lottery, so you’re gonna feel pretty giddy to rush straight to the Wave. But take a breath; first consider the theropod footprints in the soft morning light. Save the Wave for midday, when it’s all lit up, then hurry up and try to shoot everything else before you run out of light or energy.如果你要徒步北上的Coyote Buttes,你真的中了彩票,所以你会觉得很眩晕直接冲到波浪谷。不过,先吸一口气,先想想在柔和的晨光下兽脚类动物的脚印。把波浪谷留到中午,当它全部亮起的时候,然后快点,在阳光或你的力气耗尽之前尝试拍摄其他的东西。
eolian 风成(积)的
laminae 薄片
striation 纹路
chute 溜槽
erosional 侵蚀
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