

1.     Seeing as the strike, which is due to begin on Tuesday, may last for at least a week, many owners of private cars have offered "free rides" to people going to work.

2.     There are a number of university students who have volunteered to drive buses as well, and they will have to pass a special test.

3.     In spite of the fact that people are going to find it difficult to get to work, they are grateful to the students in letters.

4.     However, one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast.


1.     The strike is due to begin on Tuesday and may last for at least a week, so many owners of private cars have offered “free rides” to people going to work.

2.     A number of university students ,who have volunteered to drive buses, will have to pass a special test.

3.     Despite the fact that people are going to find it difficult to get to work, they are grateful to the students in letters.

4.     This gratitude notwithstanding, one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast.



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