PSC迎检| 油雾探测器这么查!
曲轴箱油雾探测器英文名CRANKCASE OIL MIST DETECTORS,是PSCO经常检查的一个项目,也是一个滞留的点,有的朋友问,这个缺陷判断的依据是什么?前提是什么?怎么测试?
Fire precautions
1 Means shall be provided to detect and give alarms at an early stage in case of fires:
.1 in boiler air supply casings and exhausts (uptakes); and
.2 in scavenging air belts of propulsion machinery, unless the Administration considers this to be necessary in a particular case.
2. Internal combustion engines of 2250 kW and above or having cylinders of more than 300mm bore shall be provided with crankcase oil mist detectors or engine bearing temperature monitors or equivalent devices.
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