Metro English-316 - Floating Lantern Festival 夏威夷浮灯节​

Floating Lantern Festival, 

Honolulu, Hawaii


If your Hawaii vacation takes place over the Memorial Day weekend, we encourage you to visit Honolulu’s Ala Moana Beach Park for the annual Lantern Floating ceremony. Thousands of lanterns floating in to the Pacific at sunset not only make for some incredible photos, the symbolism of the event creates an atmosphere of peace and harmony that you won’t soon forget.


The Hawaiian Lantern Floating ceremony is mirrored after Toro Nagashi; the Japanese Floating Lantern Festival which takes place in late summer. The lanterns are floated out in to the ocean carrying prayers or messages for deceased loved ones written on the sides. Now in its 16th year, the Hawaiian ceremony takes place on Memorial Day as many Hawaiians traditionally use this day to honor both those who’ve fallen in service, as well as friends and family who have passed.
夏威夷的浮灯仪式是仿照的日本的Toro Nafashi浮灯节,而日本的浮灯节是在夏末举行。灯笼飘向大海,上面写着对逝去亲人的祈祷或祝福。现在已经是第16个年头了,夏威夷的仪式在阵亡将士纪念日这一天举行,因为许多夏威夷人传统上都用这一天来纪念阵亡将士,以及过世的朋友和家人。
Organized by the Shinnyo-en Buddhist order, the Lantern Floating ceremony draws upwards of 40,000 people from all faith backgrounds. Lanterns are available free of charge from a tent on-site the day of the event. Those unable to attend can still have their prayers or messages included in one of the Collective Lanterns. You can visit the Shinnyo-en temple to write a prayer right up to the day before the ceremony, or submit your message online and the organizers will see to it that it’s sent out with the others.
The ceremony begins with the sounding of the Pu (conch shell) and is followed by the playing of the Taiko (Japanese drums) and an Oli (Hawaiian chant). This purifies or blesses the area and spiritually prepares it for the commencement of the event. The first to float are the Parent Lanterns which symbolize gratitude and carry prayers for all. The Collective Lanterns are the next to go. These are filled with all of the prayers and messages that were submitted online and at the temple. Those with an Individual Lantern will follow next wading in to the water to set it afloat.
Here in Hawaii we are respectful of the land and ocean surrounding the islands. Each year, the lanterns are gathered by volunteers after the ceremony and refurbished for the following year’s event. The ceremony is very moving, and is a beautiful way to honor the memory of loved ones.

Memorial Day


refurbish  翻新,修整

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