视频 | 如何采摘图拉西叶使她枝繁叶茂 Picking Leaves and Manjaris


Picking Tulasī leaves and manjaris is an important activity in the life of a sādhaka because Tulasī is absolutely needed to worship Kṛṣṇa in His deity form. We put Tulasī in the water we bath Him with, the food He eats, and on His lotus feet. The video above goes in detail on how to properly pick Tulasī Devī to help her grow healthy and bushy. In this short article, I will outline the method to pick Tulasī leaves and manjaris.
There is a quote by Srila Prabhupada where he mentions that Tulasī leaves that have fallen should be collected first. This is practical advice because if we pick too many green leaves, Tulasī may be troubled because scientifically, a plant eats through its leaves. Of course, Tulasī is transcendental, but we have to keep this in mind.


“You can take for worshiping Kṛṣṇa leaves from the Tulasī plant. First utilize the dead leaves or leaves which have fallen down, and if more leaves are required for worshiping Kṛṣṇa, you may take them from Tulasī plant in this way: First approach Tulasī Devī and offer your obeisances, requesting her that for worshiping Kṛṣṇa you want to take some leaves. Then if she allows you may take.”
-Letter from Srila Prabhupada,1977, unknown correspondence
Manjaris, on the other hand, take a lot of energy to grow. They should be cut when they are soft and when they look like small pyramids. In the sastras, it is said that we should offer soft manjaris to Kṛṣṇa. In the above video you can see where you have to pick, just underneath a manjari with two leaves, one on each side.
Some say you shouldn’t use scissors, but I personally use a dedicated pair of scissor that I use for Tulasī only.  This makes sure I don’t accidentally pluck too much off or perhaps even split a branch.
When picking leaves or manjaris, it should be day time, not Dvādaśī (the day after Ekādaśī), and you should be utterly clean (freshly bathed and wearing clean clothing). Chant the mantra:
“Oh Tulasī, you were born from nectar. You are always very dear to Lord Keśava. Now, in order to worship Lord Keśava, I am collecting your leaves and manjaris. Please bestow your benediction on me.”
It’s best to pick the manjaris as soon as you see them, so that Tulasī can direct her energy elsewhere. Also you don’t always need to pick green leaves, first use leaves that have fallen or are yellow and about to fall. When you are done picking, chant the mantra:


“Oh Tulasī Devī, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. Kindly forgive me if I have caused you pain by picking your leaves and manjaris, Oh mother of the universe.”
Keep Tulasī’s area clean by sweeping daily, and her pot free from dry leaves and flowers. She is a pure devotee of the Lord and should be treated as such!
Check out the video above for a visual explanation of how to pick Tulasī Devī properly and how to help her grow more bushy.


-Namarasa Dasa
