英语阅读与测试3:Take a bath(洗澡那点事儿)


英语阅读与测试2:History of Halloween(万圣节的渊源?)



Traveling is fun because you can see how people in other parts of the world live. One thing travelers don't often think about before traveling is how other cultures bathe. And bathrooms in many countries may be different from the kind you are used to.

In the United States, most people take a shower once a day in the morning. The showerhead is usually mounted on the wall and cannot be moved. The bather simply stands under the water, gets wet, scrubs with soap and often a washcloth, and then rinses off.

Children often take a bath each night and enjoy playing with small toys such as boats and rubber ducks. Many adults, especially women, enjoy a soothing bath to get rid of stress at the end of the day.

It is important to remember that when you take a shower or bath in the United States, you should be careful to keep the water inside the bathtub or shower. Unlike bathrooms in many countries, there is no drain in the floor. If water gets on the floor it cannot go anywhere and must be cleaned up with a towel or mop. It can also cause problems for the floor. So be careful.



1. Travelers don't often think about __________ in other countries before traveling.

A. bathing               B. food                  C. money               D. books

2. Americans often take a shower in the __________.

A. morning              B. afternoon          C. night                 D. noon

3. Children often take a __________ at night.

A. shower                B. bath                   C. swim                 D. walk

4. Sometimes adults take a bath to __________.

A. shower                B. relax                   C. play with toys   D. watch TV

5. American floors don't have a  __________.

A. bathtub               B. showerhead       C. drain                 D. basin


  • culture:文化

  • bath:洗澡(名词)

  • shower:淋浴(名词)

  • bathe:洗澡(动词))

  • showerhead:淋浴喷头;花洒

  • mount:装上

  • scrub:用力擦洗

  • rinse:清洗

  • adult:成年人

  • soothing:安神的(源自动词soothe)

  • stress:压力

  • bathtub:浴缸

  • drain:下水道

  • towel:毛巾

  • mop:拖把


1. A    2. B    3. B    4. B    5. C

