Portrait of a LadyAlesso Baldovinetti
The Virgin and Child Enthroned among Angels and SaintsBenozzo Gozzoli
Head of a Tonsured, Bearded SaintDomenico Veneziano
Head of a Tonsured, Beardless SaintDomenico Veneziano
The Combat of Love and ChastityGherardo di Giovanni del Fora
Saint Bernard's Vision of the VirginFra Filippo Lippi
Beheading of Saint James the Great: Predella PanelFra Filippo Lippi and workshop
Saint Jerome and the Lion: Predella PanelFra Filippo Lippi and workshop
Saint Mamas in Prison thrown to the LionsFra Filippo Lippi and workshop
Saint Zeno exorcising the Daughter of GallienusFra Filippo Lippi and workshop
The Abduction of HelenMaster of the Judgement of Paris
Angel (Left Hand)Francesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop
Angel (Right Hand)Francesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop
Saints Mamas and JamesFrancesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and Workshop
Saints Zeno and JeromeFrancesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop
The Story of David and GoliathFrancesco Pesellino
The TrinityFrancesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop
The Triumph of DavidFrancesco Pesellino
The Abduction of HelenProbably by Zanobi Strozzi
The Battle of San RomanoPaolo Uccello