When the fragments join in an unsatisfactory position (unacceptable angulation, rotation or shortening) the fracture is said to be malunited. Causes are failure to reduce a fracture adequately, failure to hold reduction while healing proceeds, or gradual collapse of comminuted or osteoporotic bone.
Clinical features
The deformity is usually obvious, but sometimes the true extent of malunion is apparent only on x-ray. Rotational deformity of the femur, tibia, humerus or forearm may be missed unless the limb is compared
with its opposite fellow. Rotational deformity of a metacarpal fracture is detected by asking the patient to flatten the fingers onto the palm and seeing whether the normal regular fan-shaped appearance is reproduced (Chapter 26).
X-rays are essential to check the position of the fracture while it is uniting. This is particularly important during the first 3 weeks, when the situation may change without warning. At this stage it is sometimes difficult to decide what constitutes ‘malunion’; acceptable norms differ from one site to another and these are discussed under the individual fractures.
Incipient malunion may call for treatment even before the fracture has fully united; the decision on the need for re-manipulation or correction may be extremely difficult. A few guidelines are offered:
1. In adults, fractures should be reduced as near to the anatomical position as possible. Angulation of more than 10–15 degrees in a long bone or a noticeable rotational deformity may need correction by remanipulation, or by osteotomy and fixation.
2. In children, angular deformities near the bone ends (and especially if the deformity is in the same plane as that of movement of the nearby joint) will usually remodel with time; rotational deformities will not.
3. In the lower limb, shortening of more than 2.0 cm is seldom acceptable to the patient and a limb length equalizing procedure may be indicated.
4. The patient’s expectations (often prompted by cosmesis) may be quite different from the surgeon’s; they are not to be ignored.
5. Early discussion with the patient, and a guided view of the x-rays, will help in deciding the need for treatment and may prevent later misunderstanding.
6. Very little is known of the long-term effects of small angular deformities on joint function. However, it seems likely that malalignment of more than 15 degrees in any plane may cause asymmetrical loading of the joint above or below and the late development of secondary osteoarthritis; this applies particularly to the large weightbearing joints.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P718-720
MALUNION/mæ'lju:njən/n. 畸形愈合
osteoporotic 骨质疏松的
osteoporosis /ˌɑːstioʊpəˈroʊsɪs/
n. [外科] 骨质疏松症
Rotational deformity 旋转畸形
metacarpal fracture 掌骨骨折
/ˌmetəˈkɑːrpl/n. 掌骨adj. 掌部的
Incipient /ɪnˈsɪpiənt/adj. 初期的;初始的;起初的;发端的
anatomical position解剖位置
reduced to the anatomical position 解剖复位
remanipulation 重新操作
osteotomy /,ɑstɪ'ɑtəmi/n. 截骨术,骨切开术
remodel /ˌriːˈmɑːdl/vt. 塑形;改造;改变;改型
asymmetrical/,esɪ'mɛtrɪkl/adj. 非对称的;不匀称的,不对等的
symmetrical /sɪˈmetrɪkl/adj. 匀称的,对称的