TE||Whose price is it anyway?






Whose price is it anyway?


英文部分选自经济学人Finance and economics版块

Stock exchanges


Whose price is it anyway?


India’s and Singapore’s bourses tussle over who owns market data


BUYING and selling shares in India is not for the faint of heart. Its own central-bank governor reckons equity capital is taxed up to five times. Never fear. There is a well-established alternative. Investors can just as easily buy financial instruments that track share prices but are not themselves shares. Such “derivatives” are used across the world to mirror markets in everything from platinum to pork bellies. But they also raise awkward questions: can the exchange that generates prices by matching buyers and sellers stop a rival using the data to create its own derivatives?


注:the faint of heart:

lacking the courage to face something difficult or dangerous

A quarrel between the Singapore Exchange (SGX) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in Mumbai touches that very issue. Since 2000 global investors wanting exposure to Indian shares but not Indian red tape and tax have gone via SGX. Under a licence from NSE, punters could trade a derivative linked to the Nifty 50, an index which is to India what the FTSE 100 is to Britain or the S&P 500 is to America.

新加坡交易所和孟买国家证交所之间的一场争论就存在这个问题。2000年以来,全球投资者们有意进入印度股票市场,但想省去其“繁文缛节”,避免纳税,现已通过新加坡交易所得以实现。经国家证交所许可,投资者可以依据Nifty 50指数来交易衍生品,Nifty 50指数之于印度就如富时100指数之于英国,标准普尔500指数之于美国。

Because the contract paid out the value of the Nifty on a given date, arbitraging algorithms run by outside traders ensured the derivative tracked the index closely: buying the Nifty in Singapore or Mumbai amounted to much the same thing. But in February NSE ended the arrangement. It now thinks all trading can happen in India thanks to new regulatory arrangements that make it just as amenable to global capital as Singapore.


That claim is doubtful. In any event, SGX is clearly not keen to find out. Instead of licensing the Nifty brand and paying the NSE for a steady flow of data, as hitherto, SGX said it would switch to what is in effect a home-brewed duplicate. Whereas the “real” Nifty is designed to match the price of an underlying basket of 50 shares, the new product is designed to match the price of the Nifty derivative instead. It is, in other words, the derivative of a derivative.


That is just a fancy way of breaching copyright, the NSE argues. It owns the Nifty trademark and SGX’s product is but a thinly veiled clone of its own. SGX does indeed seem to be making no effort to differentiate itself. The marketing literature for its new derivative says it aims to track 50 shares that together represent 65% of the Indian market, just like the Nifty. The only difference is that it does not mention it by name.


Thinly:in a way that does not hide the truth very well (容易识破的,显而易见的)

Lawyers on both sides are brushing up on intellectual-property law. An arbitrator in Mumbai is due to make a ruling by June 16th, though appeals are expected. SGX has some precedents on its side. In 2005 a New York judge ruled that ICE, a commodity exchange, had broken no law when it lifted publicly available energy prices from NYMEX, a rival, to fuel its own derivatives contracts. “Settlement prices are not copyrightable because they are facts, and not original, creative works,” he said.


Nobody is arguing against SGX’s right to set up a derivative on individual shares listed in Mumbai; it recently started doing just that. But tracking the whole Nifty requires using one monthly value, calculated by NSE, to “settle” the derivative. Arguably this calculation is closer to an art than publishing a single fact. American courts have found firms that provide such indices (for example, on which stocks are included) may indeed limit their outside use.


Though the row hurts both sides, no deal seems in sight. MSCI, which crafts a popular emerging-markets index that guides the investment of trillions worldwide, has warned that trying to throttle the dissemination of price data would make it harder for money to flow into India. It has argued that stockmarkets are natural monopolies that should in effect be compelled to sell their prices to whoever wants them. Information wants to be free, but try telling that to those compiling the data.




Jasmine, 女 ,税收专业, 经济学人粉丝

Vivian,女,国际商务硕士, 经济学人粉丝


Lucia ,女,翻译学硕士三年制,经济学人粉丝

Leon,  男,ANU finance在读研究生,经济学人铁粉





印度有21家地区性证券交易所以及两家最主要的交易所NSE和BSE,其中NSE是最大的现货交易市场和大宗商品交易市场。最主要的股指是Sensex和S&P CNX Nifty,分别占流动市值的45%和62%。

NSE想要就知识产权和SGX打官司这件事其实挺扯的。金融市场本身是为了更好地衔接借款人和贷款人而存在的,证券更是重中之重,可是想要在印度市场投资股票有很麻烦的流程,而且资本利得税和股息税都相当高,逼得投资者去隔壁新加坡买它家的Nifty衍生品了。(印度针对外国投资者征10%或15%的资本利得税,国内投资者征20%到35%资本利得税;新加坡针对国内国外投资者不征资本利得税)于是NSE希望通过不再授权给SGX Nifty的品牌代理业务和其实时数据,让投资者全部回到自己这里来。但是SGX发布了以Nifty衍生品作为标的资产的的衍生品,然后NSE状告SGX剽窃知识产权。






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