
  1. 为了弥补您的损失,我们愿意在原价的基础上提供 x%的折扣。

    To compensate your losses,we are willing to deduct another x percent on the original price.

  2. 我必须为所造成的不便道歉。

    I really must apologize for the inconvenience which has caused.

  3. 感谢您让我注意到...

    Thank you for bringing us attention to the matter of...

  4. 为了表示歉意,我们乐意免费给您重新换产品。

    To show goodwill,we are willing to replace/renew your product for free.

  5. 我们必须/真诚为...道歉

    We must/sincerely apologize for...

  6. 我看了您在xx时间发过来有关xxx的信件

    I refer to your letter of xx时间 about/relating to xxx.

  7. 这次错误是由.../导致...

    The error was caused by .../was due to ...


    Dear Mr.Benson,

    Thank you for your letter of Feb 1.

I refer to your letter about the computer you bought from us arrived in such poor condition.It might have been damaged during shipment.

To show goodwill,we will send a new computer as soon as possible.To ensure it reaches you safelt,it will be double-packed this time.

I really must apologize for the inconvenience it has caused.

Your sincerely,


Customer Service Manager.

