虽然不知道很快是多久,但Xbox One将很快支持键盘鼠标操作

尽管Xbox One手柄常被大家评为手感极佳,但一直有Xbox One能否支持键盘和鼠标操作的话题被讨论了数年之久,这与Xbox One平台上以车枪球游戏为主不无关系,其中枪战类游戏对键鼠有着几乎天生的依赖,所以大量Xbox One玩家渴望可以有这样的支持。近日微软则回应玩家的提问表示,Xbox One绝对会支持键鼠操作,并且很快会有一款对应的游戏推出。

尽管Xbox One手柄手感广受好评,但玩家却始终想要键鼠操作

据外媒Windows Central最新报道,在这周的PAX West上,有Xbox One开发团队与玩家的见面会,有玩家提出Xbox One会不会支持键盘和鼠标控制这种问题时,虽然当时不是Q&A,但可能场面一度尴尬起来,所以微软Xbox平台的CVP Mike Ybarra感觉有点硬着头皮地回复了以下内容:

"Keyboard and mouse support is definitely coming. We have to be very smart in how we do that. We'll leave it a lot up to developer choice. A lot of people tweet me and say "you can't do this because of fairness," and we understand that. We run two platforms; the Xbox platform, and the Windows platform.

And so, when we bring keyboard and mouse, we'll coach developers and say "look, you've got to think about your multiplayer pools, if you have a competitive game, people are probably going to want the choice to say I'll play with other keyboard and mouse people or I'll play only with controller people, or that I'll play with any of those.

So you'll see our first games supporting keyboard and mouse soon, I can't announce what that is, but soon. And based on developer interest, they'll choose to do keyboard and mouse, or not!"

这里大家不用Google Translate了,三段鸡肠大概的意思就是:我们将很快让Xbox One支持键盘鼠标!



好吧,为防止大家说小编偷懒不编译,详细点说就是:Mike Ybarra表示有人在Twitter上“睇死”他们Xbox One不支持键鼠是因为不公平,但微软Xbox One可是很机智的啊,你知道他们在背后付出了多少吗?人家可是发烧40度还...额,不好意思,拿错稿子了。人家可是有两个大平台要兼顾啊,而且这个问题也会留给游戏开发者们决定啊,这时候你们问支不支持,当然是...反正你们很快就会看到有首款支持键鼠的游戏登场了,暂时还不能说,但很快,OK?

如果Xbox One真的“很快”可以兑现这个饼,使用键鼠来玩FPS、MOBA类游戏,这是想想挺带感的事情,甚至对于传统PC游戏玩家都有吸引力,毕竟主机玩游戏不需要考虑硬件配置问题,这算是个不小的亮点。

只是早在2015年7月,小编就写过Xbox One将支持键鼠操作的报道,现在看来,当初还是too young too simple,sometime...

