Scientific Reports:“吃太咸”vs“吃太油”二选一,谁赢?

2015年6月12日讯 /生物谷BIOON/-- 在一项似乎违背传统提倡饮食的研究中,美国爱荷华大学的科学家们发现,将高盐添加到高脂饮食可以防止小鼠的体重增加。高盐饮食与人类心血管疾病的风险增加有关,而现在高盐饮食突然变成一件好事。研究人员表示这些发现无热量的膳食营养素可对能量平衡和体重增加有深远的影响。
本文作者,爱荷华大学的药理学助理教授Justin Grobe博士说道:“人们通常把重点放在食物中有如何多的脂肪或糖,但在我们的实验中,有些的东西,与卡路里含量没有任何关系——钠,对体重增加有更大的影响。”这篇研究发表在6月11日的Scientific Reports。
“我们的研究表明,并不是所有的热量产生都是一样的,”Michael Lutter博士,本文的共同研究作者说,“我们的发现,结合其他研究,都显示在体内有一个广泛的膳食效率或热量吸收效率,可能有助于抵御体重增加或者增加其敏感度。增加钠含量抑制体重增加完全是由于消化道提取被消耗食物的热量的效率降低。”而这是可能的,因为这一发现解释了某些高脂高盐的快餐食品引起的普遍的食物消化影响。

Dietary Sodium Suppresses Digestive Efficiency via the Renin-Angiotensin System
Benjamin J. Weidemann,Susan Voong,Fabiola I. Morales-Santiago,Michael Z. Kahn,Jonathan Ni,Nicole K. Littlejohn,Kristin E. Claflin,Colin M.L. Burnett,Nicole A. Pearson, Michael L. Lutter& Justin L. Grobe
Dietary fats and sodium are both palatable and are hypothesized to synergistically contribute to ingestive behavior and thereby obesity. Contrary to this hypothesis, C57BL/6J mice fed a 45% high fat diet exhibited weight gain that was inhibited by increased dietary sodium content. This suppressive effect of dietary sodium upon weight gain was mediated specifically through a reduction in digestive efficiency, with no effects on food intake behavior, physical activity, or resting metabolism. Replacement of circulating angiotensin II levels reversed the effects of high dietary sodium to suppress digestive efficiency. While the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan had no effect in mice fed low sodium, the AT2 receptor antagonist PD-123,319 suppressed digestive efficiency. Correspondingly, genetic deletion of the AT2 receptor in FVB/NCrl mice resulted in suppressed digestive efficiency even on a standard chow diet. Together these data underscore the importance of digestive efficiency in the pathogenesis of obesity, and implicate dietary sodium, the renin-angiotensin system, and the AT2 receptor in the control of digestive efficiency regardless of mouse strain or macronutrient composition of the diet. These findings highlight the need for greater understanding of nutrient absorption control physiology, and prompt more uniform assessment of digestive efficiency in animal studies of energy balance.