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兵策儒剑  2016.07

Abstract:  There has been speculation about relations between ancient China and ancient Egypt since atleast the 17th century. With already published ancient Egyptian archaeological materials, we can demonstrate that the Chinese characters derivefrom the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis of thehistorical record suggests that the history of the Chinese first Xia Dynastycorresponds to that of Ancient Egypt prior to the 19th Dynasty basedon the statistical principle of the scientific induction.

Chinese archaeology has sofar failed to confirm the historicity of the first Xia Dynasty of China. Howevermany ancient texts have recorded many ancient famous people, the royal lineageas well as many important historical events of the Xia Dynasty.

As early as the 17th and18th century, missionaries from Germany, France and other countries successively put forward the theory of relations between China and AncientEgypt, claiming that the Chinese characters have their origin in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Since 2004, the Chinese author “Su San(苏三)” started to revive the theory that the orgins of Chinese Civilization were inthe West。In 2012, Luo Lingjie(罗灵杰)publishedthe book “Karma over Three Thousand Years” which presented cultural similarities between many aspects of Ancient Egypt and China. Here we show that the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are indeed the prototypes of the Chinese characters. The difference between the oracle bone inscriptions and Egyptian hieroglyphs may be only an evolution of one step. The history of Ancient Egypt prior to the 19th dynasty can also be found recorded in Chinese ancient texts.

1. Comparisons of culture typical characters

Several pairs of Chinesecultural typical characteristics, such as HuaXia (华夏, Chinese Nation), Long (龙,dragon), Feng (凤,phoenix), CangJie(仓颉,CāngJié), Ri(日,Sun), Yue(月,moon), show a high degree of similarity when compared to the corresponding AncientEgyptian hieroglyphs. The names of many Egyptian deities exist in the Chinese characters. After a comprehensive investigation, we can confirm that the character Hua (华) is a combination of the Lower Egypt papyrus and the Upper Egypt hieroglyph for “Sedge grass”.  Xia(夏)is the Ancient Egyptian nation symbol that is a combination of the Lower Egyptiancobra and Upper Egyptian symbol for falcon together with the symbol for sun andthe Ankh symbol for life. HuaXia(华夏) is the earliest name of the Han nationality. Now we can see that both of two HuaXia characters contain the union of information from Lower and Upper Egypt. LongFeng (龙凤) are the symbols of Chinese royal power as well as the totem of HuaXia nationality. The prototype of Long (龙,dragon) is the Ancient Egyptian Wadjet Goddess wearing the Red Crown17. The prototype of Feng (凤,phoenix) is the Ancient Egyptian falcon Horus God wearing the Red Crown or the Double Crown。CangJie(仓颉) is a historical official who invented the Chinese characters during the periodof the legendary Chinese Emperor HuangDi (Yellow Emperor). The prototype of Jie(颉) is actually the name of Thoth who was the Ancient Egyptian god of knowledge15. Seshat was Thoth’s wife, and the Ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge,and writing. The prototype of Cang(仓) is the symbol of Seshsat writing on apalm stem representing the symbol 'year’16 . The symbols of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for the sun god Ra or Re and the moon god Yah are theprototypes of Chinese characters Ri (日,sun) and Yue(月,month), respectively. The shape, meaning and pronunciation are the same for the Chinese characters and the Ancient Egyptian sun and moon gods. As shown in Table 1 below:

(Table1: Comparison of Chinese characters prototype)

The similarities betweenthe cultures can prove the existence of a communication between the Chinese and Ancient Egyptian, however the verifiable logic is still not complete enough to say that Ancient Egypt is the Xia Dynasty. After comparing recorded ancient Chinese names and the king list of Xia Dynasty with the Ancient Egyptian king list obtained through archaeology to decipher the real history of the XiaDynasty, it can be demonstrated that the history of the Xia Dynasty from the Chinese ancient texts is essentially the same as Ancient Egyptian history.

When comparing the Kings'name, it was also discovered that the prototypes of the two Chinese characters MingZi (名字,name) are the hieroglyphs of Cartouche name and Horus Serekh name of Ancient Egyptianpharaohs respectively.  As shown in Table 2 below:

(Table2: Comparison of MingZi characters prototype)

The Ancient Egyptian kings or Pharaohs generally have five Royal Titulary names. The important position of Horus name had been replaced by the throne name since the late Old Kingdom. Other than Horus name, the Nebty name is the prototype of the Chinesecharacter Si(姒) which is the family surname of descendants of Yu who was the founder of Xia Dynasty. The important positionof the Nebty name had been replaced by the birth name since the late OldKingdom. Both the golden Horus name and the throne name are the prototypes of Chinese character Jun(君)meaning a monarch or king。The Birth name is the symbol for son of the sun god, which is the prototype of Chinese character Zhen(朕) meaning the emperor himself。As shown in Table 3 below.

(Table3: Comparison of Royal Titulary name)

2. Comparisons of the king lists and some Chinese ancestor names

It is not an easy thing to show that Ancient Egypt is equivalent to the Xia Dynasty when one has tocorrespond over 3,000 years of history in Ancient Egypt with the recorded “hundreds of years” of semi-mythical Xia Dynasty history. Through a detailed and deep study, the correspondence of the Shao Kang (少康) king of the Xia Dynasty to the corresponding Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh was first deciphered, then the Tai Kang(泰康) King’s name was deciphered. Thus the important historical event of Tai Kang’s 100 year loss of the Xia Dynasty was identified. Based on this benchmark, we can go on to compare the king list of the Xia Dynasty with the king list ofAncient Egypt. Finally, the prototype figures of all recorded kings of Xia Dynasty were found from the Ancient Egyptian king list of dynasties. It can scarcely be a coincidence when considering the high consistency of king lists, as well as the identical relationship between husbands and wives, parents and children, and a few of identical names for the same king. According to the principle of the complete scientific inductive method, it’s possible to prove that Ancient Egypt was just the Xia Dynasty. Meanwhile we can analyze and correct some errors on both sides of the Chinese records and the archaeological analysis of many Ancient Egyptian problems. The details of how the origin of Chinese characters and ancient Chinese history have been found are describrd in the author’s new book 《Xia Dynasty of Eagle and Snake》(to be published). However, there are still a lot of migration issues to be further researched in depth.

The Naqada culture was a predynastic civilization in Egypt. Together the Naqada I and Naqada II culture lasted approximately from 3800 to 3200 BCE. This period is also referred to as Dynasty 00,  it is consistent with the Chinese records of the Shen Nong Era that eight kings of Yan Di(炎帝) ruled for about 530 years. Naqada III is the last phase of the Naqada culture of Ancient Egyptian prehistory, dating approximately from 3200 to 3000 BC. Naqada III is often referred to as Dynasty 0. It is the period during theprocess of state formation with named kings heading powerful polities. This period corresponds well with the Chinese records of the Five Emperors Era. The king list of Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt is very consistent with the king list of the Five Emperors Era. Actually, there could be over ten Kings rather than five kings during the Five Emperors Era, since abdication was common among them.The Scorpion I King corresponds to the Chinese national and cultural ancestor Huang Di(黄帝-Yellow Emperor). The Crocodile King corresponds to the Zhi(挚)emperor who was the brother of the Yao(尧) emperor. Yao correspondsto the Iry-Hor/Ro king。The Ka/Sekhen king corresponds to the Shun(舜) emperor. The name of Narmer is similar to that of both Yu( 禹) and his father Gun(鲧)’s name。As shown in Figure 1 below:

(Figure1:Comparisonof king lists between Dynasty 0 and Five Emperors Era)

With the two seal king lists unearthed from the Abydos tombs, we can determine Narmer corresponds to Yu(禹) who was the founder of Xia Dynasty. Yu’s wife was Jiao(娇) whose name is similar to that of Queen Neithhotep who was possibly the wife of Narmer. Yu’s son was Qi(启) whose name is similar to Hor-Aha’s Horus name. Hor-Aha was also the second king of first Dynasty. Qi’s wife was called Juan(眷) which is similar to the name of Benerib, who was Aha’s Queen. The family name ofYu is Si(姒),the prototype of the character Si can be found on a year label with Aha’s Horus name. As shown in Table 4 below.

(Table4: Comparison of the prototype of SiQi(姒启)’s name)

Chinese texts recorded that Qi had a son named Wu(五) or WuGuan(武观), this corresponds to the name of Djer who was the third king of the first Dynasty. However, the Chinese history book Recordsof the Grand Historian (or Shi Ji) authored by Sima Qian during the Western Han Dynasty made a mistake in claiming Tai Kang to be Qi(启)’s son who succeeded to the Qi’s throne.  Tai Kang was actually the Khendjer King during the thirteenth Dynasty period。Fortunately, Shi Ji wrote down the twelve family surnames of Yu’s descendants, they are: Xia Hou, Hu(扈),Nan(男),ZhenXun(斟鄩),Tong(彤),Bao(褒),Fei(费),Qi(杞),Zeng(缯),Xin(辛),Min(冥),ZhenGuan(斟灌). Among them, ZhenGuan(斟灌),Fei(费)and Min(冥)should descend from the Djer King. Qi(杞) is the Djet king, Zeng(缯) is the Djet’s queen Merneith, Tong(彤) is the Den king,  Xin(辛) is the Anedjib king, Bao(褒) is the Semerkhet king, Nan(男) was the last king Qa’a of the first dynasty.  As shown in Figure 2 below.

(Figure2:Comparion of the king list of first dynasty)

There are a few numberof families from which the local Chinese HuaXia nationality descend. The Shang(商) Dynasty royal ancestor is called Xie(契) who could correspondto be Inika. The surname of the Shang royal family is Zi(子); its Ancient Egyptian prototype is the Ankh hieroglyph. The Zhou(周)Dynastyroyal ancestor is called Qi(弃),his oracle name is extremely similar to Hemaka’s name. Both of Inika and Hemaka were important officials during the long reign of the First Dynasty pharaoh Den. As seen from inscriptions on pottery seals, Hemaka was also responsible for maintaining one of the royal domains of king Den, a farm or vineyard for express use of the royal family. This role is consistent of Qi(弃) who was interested to farm, so Qi has a title named HouJi(后稷). Ji(稷)’s hieroglyph was also shown on a year label from Den's tomb together with Qi(弃)’s name. Further more, Zhou(周)’s hieroglyph is found in the seal impression linking Horus Djet’s estate Wadj-Her with Iri-aawi’s name. Xie( 契) and Qi(弃) have a common ancestor Di Ku(帝喾)who was a king during the FiveEmperors Era。The Qin(秦)Dynasty royal ancestor was called Yi(益),his oracle name is same as the name of a court official Sekhemka-Sedjet during thefirst dynasty, and his surname is Yin(嬴), a hieroglyph shown ona Djet ivoery comb. Table 5 shows the comparisons for the prototypes of several important Chinese characters associated with the ancestors of the Qin, Zhou andShang dynasties.

(Table5: Comparison of the prototypes of the ancestors of Qin,Zhou and Shang dynasty)

Hotepsekhemwy is the Horus name of an early Egyptian king who was the founder of the 2nd dynasty. His name corresponds to the Chinese character Gong(共)。Accordingto the Chinese ancient book The Classicof Mountains and Seas (or Shan HaiJing), GongGong(共工) was a descendant of Yan Di(Yan Emperor), his family surname is Jiang(姜) which is also the surname of the Qi(齐) vassal state royal family during the West Zhou dynasty. GongGong’s father was called ZhuRong(祝融,Vulcan) which would become the title of an official of supervising fire. Theprototypes of the five Chinese characters “共、工、姜、祝、融” can all be found on archaeological finds associated with Hotepsekhemwy’s nameas shown in Table 6 below.

(Table6: Comparison of the prototype of GongGong)

The Shan Hai Jing recorded the lineage descent of GongGong’s family. GongGong gave birth to ShuQi(术器) or Houtu(后土).The second king of the second dynasty was Raneb, his Horus name can be translated into the Chinese word HouTu(后土) while another throne name Weneg of the second dynasty is the prototype of the Chinese character Shu(术)。HouTu gave birth to YeMing(噎鸣) who can correspond to the third king Nynetjer of the second dynasty. Nynetjer’s name is very similar to the two characters of YeMing(噎鸣). YeMing may have had twelve sons, they were all named Sui(岁). HouTu had another son named Xin(信) who can correspond to the Peribsen King. Xin gave birth to KuaFu(夸父) whose name is in excellent correspondencewith the last king Khasekhem of the second dynasty. According to the Shan Hai Jing’s records, the lineage descent of the second dynasty should be rearranged as Figure 3 below.

(Figure3:Comparisonof the lineage descent of the second dynasty)

The lineage descent ofthe Old Kingdom was also recorded in some ancient Chinese books such as the Shi Ji and Guo Yu. Chen(称) or Fu(服) was the ancestor of the Chu(楚) vassal state royal family. Djoser was the founder of the Old Kingdom, his Horus name was the prototype of Fu(服) while another Serekh name of king Sa inscribed on stone vessels from galleries under ground in Sakkara was the prototype of Chen(称)。So Sa is another name for Djoser, who was the ancestor of the Chinese Chu royal family. Chen’s mother was called Fu(福). The Nebka king nameof the third dynasty is the prototype of the character Fu(福). The surname Mi(芈) of the Chu royal family is also found on a statue base of Djoser. As shown in Table 7 below.

(Table7: Comparison of the prototype of the Chu’s ancester)

The last king of the third dynasty was Huni, this name is WuHui(吴回) in chinese. He also inherited the title of Vulcan. Wuhui’s son was LuZhong(陆终),hisprototype is Sneferu who was the founder of the 4th dynasty. According to the recorded lineage, Lu Zhong had 6 sons, one of whom was KunWu(昆吾) whose prototype is Khufu, the second pharaoh of the 4th dynasty. Carrying on in this manner, the Vulcan eight family surname that were recorded in the Guo Yu book can all be found during the 3-10th dynasties of the Old Kingdom. The hieroglyph of Memphis, the capital of the Old Kingdom, is the prototype of Bo(亳) that Di Ku(帝喾) first established here during the Five Emperor Era.

Between the Yu royal family of the first dynasty and the Chu royal family of the Old Kingdom, there was also a common ancestor named Zhuan Xu(颛顼) who was a king during the Five Emperor Era. There are nearly 1,000 years of history during the GongGong's second dynasty and Chu’s Old Kingdom, however, it was common to use the sentence “GongGong and ZhuanXu competed for the throne” to skip the history of this period in the Chinese records. And this period was also placed before the Qi(启) of the first dynasty in the Chinese records due to the same mistake regarded the Tai Kang king of the 13th dynasty as a son of the Qi(Hor-Aha) king of the first dynasty. The Figure 4 shows the lineage descent of Huang Di and Yan Di during the Five Emperors Era and the later period.

(Figure4: The lineage descent of Huang Di and Yan Di)

