Does Grammar Matter?

You're telling a friend an amazing story, and you just get to the best part when suddenly, he interrupts, ''The alien and I', not 'Me and the alien''. Most of us would probably be annoyed, but aside from the rude interruption, does your friend have a point? Was your sentence actually grammatically incorrect? And if he still understood it, why does it even matter?
From the point of view of linguistics, grammar is a set of patterns for how words are put together to form phrases or clauses, whether spoken or in writing. Different languages have different patterns. In English, the subject normally comes first, followed by the verb, and then the object, while in Japanese and many other languages, the order is subject-object-verb.
Some scholars have tried to identify patterns common to all languages, but apart from some basic features, like having nouns or verbs, few of these so-called linguistic universals have been found.
And while any language needs consistent patterns to function, the study of these patterns opens up an ongoing debate between two positions known as 'prescriptivism' and 'descriptivism'.
Grossly simplified, prescriptivists think a given language should follow consistent rules, while descriptivists see variation and adaptation as a natural and necessary part of language.
For much of history, the vast majority of language was spoken. But as people became more interconnected and writing gained importance, written language was standardized to allow broader communication and ensure that people in different parts of a realm could understand each other.

In many languages, this standard form came to be considered the only proper one despite being derived from just one of many spoken varieties, usually that of the people in power. Language purists worked to establish and propagate this standard by detailing a set of rules that reflected the established grammar of their times.
And rules for written grammar were applied to spoken language as well. Speech patterns that deviated from the written rules were considered corruptions or signs of low social status, and many people who had grown up speaking in these ways were forced to adopt the standardized form.

More recently, however, linguists have understood that speech is a separate phenomenon from writing with its own regularities and patterns. Most of us learn to speak at such an early age that we don't even remember it.
We form our spoken repertoire through unconscious habits, not memorized rules. And because speech also uses mood and intonation for meaning, its structure is often more flexible, adapting to the needs of speakers and listeners.
This could mean avoiding complex clauses that are hard to parse in real time, making changes to avoid awkward pronunciation, or removing sounds to make speech faster.
The linguistic approach that tries to understand and map such differences without dictating correct ones is known as descriptivism. Rather than deciding how language should be used, it describes how people actually use it and tracks the innovations they come up with in the process.

But while the debate between prescriptivism and descriptivism continues, the two are not mutually exclusive. At its best, prescriptivism is useful for informing people about the most common established patterns at a given point in time.
This is important not only for formal contexts, but it also makes communication easier between non-native speakers from different backgrounds. Descriptivism, on the other hand, gives us insight into how our minds work and the instinctive ways in which we structure our view of the world.
Ultimately, grammar is best thought of as a set of linguistic habits that are constantly being negotiated and reinvented by the entire group of language users. Like language itself, it's a wonderful and complex fabric woven through the contributions of speakers and listeners, writers and readers, prescriptivists and descriptivists from both near and far.

Parts of Speech 词性
In English there are several parts of speech:
Noun 名词
Pronoun 代词
Adjective 形容词
Verb 动词
Adverb 副词
Preposition 介词
Conjunction 连词
Interjection 感叹词
Article 冠词
Quite often the word will change if it changes it’s function to another part of speech. For example, 'honesty’ noun, 'honest’ adjective, and 'honestly’ adverb.
This is not always the case:
'Many English words can belong to more than one part of speech. Words like neigh, break, outlaw, laser, microwave, and telephone might all be either verbs or nouns. In certain circumstances, even words with primarily grammatical functions can be used as verbs or nouns, as in, 'We must look to the hows and not just the whys.’
许多英语单词可以拥有多个词性。像neigh (马叫; 马嘶声),break(休息; 休息的时间),outlaw (逍遥法外; 逍遥法外的人),laser (激光; 发出激光),microwave (微波; 使用微波加热)和 telephone (电话; 打电话)这样的词,都可以作为动词或名词来使用。在某些情况下,即使是有重要语法功能的单词也可以用作动词或名词,如“ We must look to the hows and not just the whys.”

In Chinese however, these classifications are even less formally distinguished. Depending on context the word form can stay the same, but have different structural functions. This can make it difficult for student to remember the different word forms in the different parts of speech classifications. Also, the word form may need to change to fulfil the function of the word in the sentence.
'She likes to walk’
'I have not son.’
'He is not doubt about the correct of his a argument.’
'It is very difficulty to convince him.’
Jung Chung, Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and other Problems (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers) 2nd Edition
Verb Forms 动词形式
In English there are only two true tenses which are shown below:
Tenses: Present, Past.
Aspects: Simple, Perfect, Progressive, Perfect Progressive
Voices: Active, Passive
Quite often for teaching purposes they are regarded as different tenses due their relationship with time.
In English verbs are only inflected in the past and present tenses. For example, In the third person verbs are inflected 'go’ and 'goes. In the past tense 'eat’ changes to 'ate’ or 'eaten’. There is no future tense as modal verbs are used to show the futurity not the verb inflected e.g. 'I will (modal) eat (verb in it’s base form) later.’
在英语中,动词仅会随着过去时态和现在时态而产生屈折变化。例如,在第三人称单数情况下,“去”这个动词从“go”变为“goes”。在过去时态中,“吃”这个动词由“eat”变为“ate”或“eaten”。英文中之所以没有将来的时态,是因为情态动词被用来表示未来,所以动词就不受影响,保持原有形态,例如“I will (情态动词) eat(动词原形)later. ”
Chinese unlike English is a non-inflected language. This can cause several difficulties for the learner:
1、Subject verb agreement 主谓一致
She like eating fruit.
She likes eating fruit.
2、Irregular verb forms 不规则动词
I flied to America last week.
I flew to America last week.
3、Complex verb forms 复合动词
The boy was hurting in the accident.
The boy was hurt in the accident.

Time, Tense and Aspect 时间、时态和体
As mentioned before Chinese doesn't conjugate verbs to show time. Also, aspects can be confusing. For example, the present perfect can be misleading as one function is to relate an event in the past to the present. The learners particularly struggle when to use the simple past tense and the present perfect simple.
For example:
I have seen the movie two days ago.
I saw the movie two days ago.
And with time markers the present simple continuous can be used with future meaning.
There is a party tonight.
Continuous or progressive tenses can cause problems for Chinese learners.
I’m playing football tomorrow.
Continuous or progressive tenses can cause problems for Chinese learners.
What do you listen to?
What are you listening to?

Verb Patterns 动词类型
Transitive and intransitive verbs can cause problems.
'A transitive verb is one that is used with an object: a noun, phrase, or pronoun that refers to the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb.’
In the following sentences, admire, maintain, face, and love are transitive verbs:
在下面的句子中,admire, maintain, face, 和love都是及物动词:
I admire your courage.
We need to maintain product quality.
An intransitive verb does not have an object. In the following sentences, cry, work, laugh, and talk are intransitive verbs:
不及物动词没有宾语, 在下列句子里, cry, work, laugh, 和 talk 都是不及物动词:
The baby was crying.
I work for a large firm in Paris.
Learners can use them incorrectly.
'He married with a charming girl.’
'She talked a few words with one of the passengers’
Jung Chung, Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and other Problems (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers) 2nd Edition
This is made more difficult by the fact some verbs can be both.
事实上,更难的是有些动词既可以同时作及物动词, 也可以做不及物动词。
Verb 动词 |
Transitive 及物 |
Intransitive 不及物 |
move |
Could you move your car please? |
The trees were moving in the breeze. |
The verb form can cause problems as well.
I am boring.
I am bored.
used the present participle instead of the past participle
I forgot bringing your food.
I forgot to bring your food.
used the present participle instead of the infinitive+to
应使用动词to do不定式,却用了现在分词
He’s used to get up early.
He’s used to getting up early.
used the infinitive + to, instead of a gerund
应使用动名词形式,却用了动词to do不定式
In conclusion, as teachers is important to realize why students are making these errors. We need to design and use activities which provide the students with support to help them overcome these issues from L1 transfer.