The Verge最近拿到了一份文件,里面有几十页,包含被AI监工解雇的900多名员工,理由都是“工作效率太低”。
下来来自文档《All.1.1.4 Performance Management》,我们仅仅简单翻译了一下,更多内容自己看看吧。
3. Process 流程
3.01 Identification of Candidates for Performance Coaching确定绩效培训的候选人
The goal is to correct performance gaps by bringing awareness to the associates on probable causes of missed targets, understand the barriers and eliminate them through direct observations and coaching. The site must engage 5% of our associates, every shift, and work to improve site performance and associate experience. Various methods may be used to performance coach and associate.
我们的目的是通过让员工意识到可能导致目标失败的原因,了解障碍,并通过直接观察和指导消除障碍,从而纠正绩效差距。库房必须对我们雇佣的每班次内5%员工 并努力提高本库房的绩效和员工经验。可以使用不同方法来辅导员工。
· Same-day Productivity Performance
· New Associates
· Weekly Performance: Coaching Zone
· Top Performers
3.01.01 Same-day Productivity Performance同一天的生产效率表现
Using ADAPT, identify the associates whose performance needs attention. This analysis is done after the first quarter of the day. During break, leaders analyze the performance of their department and define which associates have seen their productivity impacted by barriers. This method should be used to supplement an existing engagement plan.
3.01.02 Weekly Performance: Coaching Zone每周表现:进入需要辅导区域的员工
After the weekly Structured Productivity Performance Review (SPPR), any associates in the supportive coaching zone are considered for a Performance Coaching. The focus will be on associates that are close to meeting their weekly performance goals.
3.01.03 Top Performers 表现最好
To identify systemic barriers that impact the general population, the top performers on each path are identified and engaged. This allows the team an opportunity to calibrate their expectations, to learn best practices from these top performers, to rule out the possibility of having the team prioritize productivity over safety or quality, and to identify issues that impact even the most experienced associates, whose high performance can make up for issues that need to be resolved. Sites should capture best practices and share throughout the site and network.
3.01.04 New Associates新员工
New associates must receive a performance coaching during their first week of operation. This is a great opportunity to set expectation and meet new associates.
4.0 Steps in Performance Coaching 绩效辅导的不在
There are three steps to a performance coaching session.绩效辅导分成3个步骤
4.01 Step 1 – Preparation 准备
· Identify potential candidates for coaching, see Fig 1.识别潜在的进行辅导的员工
· Refine selection making sure not to provide feedback to a given associate more than once per week.
· Prepare audit forms for each associate, filling out date, associate’s name, coach’s name, and function being performed.
· If an associate is still in learning curve, note the learning curve level on the form.
4.02 Step 2 – Execution执行
· Verify that the associate knows the basic standard work sequence of their job function. The audit form shows you what to look for.
· The audit form will contain all the points to observe.
4.03 Step 3 – Documentation
· Each form is filled out completely and is submitted to the Ops Admin for filing.
· The Ops Admin gathers all forms for a shift and reports to Ops Manager.
· Operations Manager is responsible for verifying the 5% goal is met every shift.
· The Ops Manager audit will be a blank coaching form with the OM as the coach and the AM as the associate. This will allow for tracking that the Ops manager requirement is met
·Ops经理审核上述的执行。审核的方式使用一个空白的教练表格,OM作为教练,AM作为员工。这种方式跟踪,去审计辅导者是否满足了Ops manager的需求
4.04 Corrective Action
· 1st Written Warnings and 2nd Written Warnings will be considered active for 30 and 60 calendar days, respectively, for purposes of determining next step in progressive discipline.
· Final Written Warnings will be considered active for 90 calendar days for purposes of determining next step in progressive discipline.
· Amazon always reserves the right to escalate corrective action up to and including termination based on the individual circumstances of a situation.
5. Performance Coaching Administration
5.01 Initial Observation
· Complete a blind audit by observing the associate’s performance without letting your presence be known.
· Check off boxes on each section on the front of the Audit form.
5.02 Approaching Associate
· Approach the associate, introduce yourself, and explain you have feedback about the audit you’ve just done. Put the associate at ease by reassuming them the audit process is routine.
· Start by giving the associate positive feedback about what you observed. *Example: “I noticed you read the screen before and after each scan. Great Job!”
Respectfully Coach the associate on any behaviors that could cause them to have quality issues, safety incidents, or low productivity.
· Reiterate any key points they’ve missed or forgotten from training.
· End the coaching more positive feedback. *Example: “Keep doing a great job with safety!”
5.03 Final Observation and Behavioral Coaching Entry
· Write any notes or comments on the back of the audit form in the corresponding section.
· All Performance Coaching documents must be entered into AMP / ADAPT as a “Behavioral Coach”. These entries can be both positive and opportunity coaching entries, but will be entered regardless of the type. Entering these coaching documents into AMP / ADAPT will allow for corrective action escalation, if a particular behavior continues to fall below expectation, as well as an opportunity to reward and recognize our associates for performing in such a way we want other associates to emulate.
5.04 Behavioral Coaching Escalations
· As with any Behavioral Coaching opportunity, continued disregard for best practice and / or no improvement in a behavioral process path method may require escalation. These behavioral coaching escalations must be reviewed on a weekly basis during the site SPPR process.
6. Time off Task Measurement
· Time off Task (TOT) is measured by adding all eligible TOT intervals over an entire shift. The HR team is responsible for determining the minimum duration of eligible TOT intervals. See 6.01 for guidelines on evaluating Time off Task.
· For example, if the team has agreed the minimum eligible TOT interval is 6 minutes, an associate with TOT intervals of 4, 5, 12, 21 and 25 minutes over the course of the whole shift, will have a total TOT of 58 minutes.
· Time for breaks, lunches and stand ups will not be considered when calculating total time off task.
· Fast start times will be taken into consideration. All associates are expected to be logged in at their stations by 10 minutes after start of shift.
6.01 Guidelines for Evaluating Time off Task
Time off Task Web Tool .See appendix 9.01 for instructions on how to use the tool.
6.01.01 Escalation Procedure
· When Time off Task is identified as an issue, management must address this behavior properly and consistently following the policies set by HR at each site.
· Corrective action will follow the standard escalation procedure defined by HR.
· Hourly associates must be aware of, and held accountable to, the expectations around the time when work will stop and resume before and after breaks.
6.01.02 Time off Task Management Amazon Associates
· Manager completes a Seek to Understand conversation with the associate within 24 hours but preferably same day to identify associate barriers
o Adjust labor tracking as needed based on the conversation
· Manager recommends corrective action based on established guidelines
o Verbal Warnings and Coaches can be immediately entered into ADAPT by the manager
o Recommendations for First or Second written warnings must be reviewed with HRBP
o Recommendations for Final written warnings must be reviewed and approved by Sr. Operations and HRBP
o Recommendations for terminations must be reviewed using the local approval process for terminations that typically includes the General Manager and HR Manager
· If no additional barriers are identified, HR will partner with the manager to administer the required corrective action.
Standard Communication
7.01 New Hires
Time off Task policy will be introduced to new hires by a Sr. Leader in accordance with the Sites current practice. A suggested best practice is for the GM to attend a portion of New Hire Orientation where they welcome the new hires and explain productivity and therein Time off Task.
8. Common Challenges
Intentionally left blank
9. Appendices
9.01 Time off task tool usage
1. Logon to the site using Google Chrome or Firefox - Time off Task Tool
a. Accept the certification warning, if prompted.
2. Select the paths you want
3. Select your location (e.g. “RIC1”)
4. Enter the Stand Up meeting duration in minutes (e.g. “6”) for 1st and 2nd stand up.
5. Enter 6 minutes for the Gap Time
6. Add meeting time if applicable (all hands, etc.)
7. Select day shift or night shift
a. If night shift, you must also select Intraday below
8. Check the box for relevant break(s) and lunch that have already occurred
9. Date range is either Day for day shift or Intraday for night shift
a. Select date and 6:00 to 6:00 for Intraday
10. Optional: Check “Outliers” to pull only top offenders (Associates over 2 hours)
a. Bottom Performers: Managers will run their time of task mid-way through the shift focusing on the top offenders. Managers will initiate a Seek to understand conversation with the associate to identify barriers that are preventing the associate from meeting the expectations. The manager will address all barriers and evaluate if the time of task is valid and what level of feedback is required, if any.
11. Click Submit
12. Reset start time, end time, lunch, and breaks, shift if necessary
13. Review totals
a. Total time off task
b. Adjusted time of task
14. Identify any hours that may not be labor tracked accurately
15. Print associate detail
a. “Print associate” tab will print individual associate information
b. Print icon will print entire page removing name and only including badge ID
The print icon must be used when printing daily report to post