经济学人文艺 || 性暴力中的问题词汇




Summer(琚儿),女,QE在职,梦想能仗翻译/音乐 /健康走天涯




Unspeakable things


英文部分选自经济学人191116science and technology版块


Unspeakable things


The problematic vocabulary of sexual violence


It is a cliché that three topics should stay off-limits in polite company: politics, religion and sex. But there are times for hard conversations, and the language used to talk about sex, and particularly sexual misdeeds, remains wrapped in a gauze of misdirection and euphemism that risks contributing to harm, even when intentions are good.


A recent case in Barcelona illustrates the power of language. Five men who gang-raped an unconscious 14-year-old girl were convicted of mere “sexual abuse”—not the graver “sexual assault”, because technically they had not used violence or intimidation, as required by the statute.


The furious protesters who turned out in Barcelona and other cities were not angry about the court’s leniency per se: the rapists received fairly long prison sentences. Rather they are demanding that the law be changed so that “sexual assault” reflects the absence of consent, rather than the use of force. In other words, they are asking politicians to redefine that term.


There is an irony in their protest. Demonstrators shouted “No es abuso, es violación” (it’s not abuse; it’s rape). But the Spanish word “violación” itself clearly displays its etymological link to “violence”, the lack of which was at the heart of the controversy. Other European languages also reflect a historical belief that rape is, by definition, violent: Vergewaltigung in German includes Gewalt, violence, for instance.

抗议本身带有些许讽刺。示威者高呼“No es abuso, es violación”(这不是性虐待,这是强奸),但是在西班牙语中“violación”一词本身就与“暴力”(violence)一词有明显的词源联系,而这场争论的核心就在于不使用暴力的性虐待是否属于强奸。在其他欧洲语言中也反映出长久以来,人们对于“强奸”的理解就是在暴力作用下的,比如德语中的“强奸”是Vergewaltigung,其中“Gewalt”也有“暴力”的含义。

Or consider the English word. Coming from Latin rapere, its oldest sense involves neither sex nor bodily harm; it means to take something by force (as in the adjective, “rapacious”). This represents the attitude of many centuries in which rape was considered a property crime against a husband or father, robbing them of a woman’s virginity or chastity, which were the father’s to give away to a spouse. It was not something done to the woman herself.


Fortunately, feminists long ago succeeded in placing the woman’s experience at the heart of the matter. But “rape” is now such a powerful and painful word that English-speakers have developed a hazier vocabulary to talk about and around it instead. “Sexual assault” rose in prominence in the 1970s. Its adoption reflected the fact that there were many ways to commit, and experience, traumatic sexual violence; the kind that could rob a woman of her virginity was only one, and need not always be privileged over others. Numerous American states and Canada, for example, no longer have a crime called “rape” on the statute books, but rather varying degrees of sexual assault.


The breadth of the label “sexual assault” has its uses—for example, when statisticians want to aggregate different offences. It can convey the sense of violation that comes with all its manifestations. It gives women who have suffered different kinds of harms an umbrella of solidarity. Finally, victims who use “sexual assault” may themselves not want to be more specific.


But there are unintended consequences. Sexual assault is usually defined (for example, by American and British authorities) as sexual contact without consent. This means that the gamut runs widely, from groping to the most savage rapes. That can make it hard for those not directly involved to understand the gravity of individual cases. It might even let the most vicious rapists take advantage of a perception that perhaps they committed a lesser crime.


And the old words are often the most powerful. Activists have berated newspapers which reported that Jeffrey Epstein , a disgraced and now-dead financier, “cavorted” with “underage women”; he raped and trafficked teenage girls. Similarly, some want to ditch the term “child pornography”, since it refers to a heinous criminal enterprise, not consenting performances as in the adult kind. It sometimes seems people cannot talk about sexual violence except in terms adapted from consensual relations.

老词儿往往更加有力量。已故的金融家杰弗里·艾普斯坦臭名昭著,他曾强暴并贩卖少女(teenage girls一词是具有法律上的效应的,个人认为“花季少女”不是很贴切),当时却被报道粉饰成“与十来岁少女寻欢作乐”,激起了抗议者们的强烈愤慨。同样的,很多人想丢弃“儿童色情作品”这个词,因为这个词通常指令人发指的犯罪集团,而非成人色情作品中两厢情愿的表演。很多时候,人们似乎不愿意赤裸裸地谈论性暴力,而只是从自愿关系中找适用的词来代替。

Now feminists are saying “we need to talk about rape”, as Deborah Cameron, a linguist, does in a recent post on her blog, “Language: a feminist guide”.Applying the right vocabulary to a crime will not curtail it, but the abstractions and legalese common in the media and politics can drain the task of urgency, by making the scourge seem less acute. Just as “murder” should not be routinely dressed up as “homicide”, nor “torture” consigned to the catch-all bin of “human-rights abuses”, so it is with the vocabulary of sexual abuse. It is hard to tackle a problem you are afraid to name.





Lee ,爱骑行的妇女之友,Timberland粉







Angela,女,double major 哲学数学

我们不大肆谈论性有关的话题,不是因为它肮脏又污秽,而是因为所有关于它的事情都应该专属于自己和自己所爱之人。在我们的道德准则中,性侵违背人的意愿,剥夺人最基本的权利,是不可饶恕的。正是因为它的严重性,我们的言语才更应该准确,更加直接。任何误导性的词汇都是对受害者的不公平, 和对违法者的宽容。

很幸运的是我们的社会在进步。我们不再对此类事件避而不谈。读者们知道最多是可能是韩国的素媛案:在20018年12月,赵斗淳对八岁的小女孩进行性暴力,造成其终身残疾。 该事件被改编成影片,影片中最让人心痛的地方是,小女孩问:“是我做错了什么么?” 她知道做错事情会遭受惩罚, 但她所承受的不能叫做惩罚,而是恶人带来的不幸。为了防止这样的不幸,人们一步一步地推动法案, 一次一次地游行,都是对那些受害者说:“那不是你们的错,我们为你发声。” 而现在我们想再进一步引起整个社会对此类事件的重视, 我们应注重用词和语气,那些看起来细微,却传递着我们态度的因素。

柏拉图说语言的意义是表达和传递真理。对于性暴力事件中的用词,不能夸张,不能模棱两可, 只能用准确的语言陈述事实,因为这样才能让那些我们不能感同身受的痛苦得以明明白白地呈现在人们眼前,并在内心期望永远不会再有这样的不幸。



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