CNBC: 这名34岁女性正在通往100万美元净资产的快车道上:“在你40岁前要养成7种理财习惯”(...

This 34-year-old is on the fast track to reach a $1 million net worth: '7 moneyhabits to adopt before you turn 40’

Mandi Woodruff-Santos, Contributor@MANDIWOODRUFF, Published Wed, Sep 22 202112:36 PM EDTUpdated Wed, Sep 22 20211:03 PM EDT


Mandi Woodruff-Santos Credit: Shane Samuels Photography


In my early 20s and 30s, I took big swings in my career and developed smart money strategies that helped maximizedmy income.


At 34, I have a net worth of more than $700,000 (mostly from my earnings, retirement accounts, home equity, savings and investing accounts). I am currently on track to have a net worth of $1 million by my 40th birthday.


Changing my financial routine was key to getting to where I am today — and it can help you, too. Here are seven moneyhabits to adopt before you turn 40:


1. Save and invest at the same time

1. 同时储蓄和投资

As a recession-era graduate, I was nervous about investing my money, for fear of losing it to another market crash.


But I realized that even though keeping all my money in a savings account felt “safer,” it would stifle my chances of growing wealth faster.


So I came up with a plan that would allow me to save, invest and still sleep soundly: I set up automatic transfers for each pay period — 10% of my paycheck towards my employer-sponsored 401(k), and another 10% into a high-yield savings account.


2. Don’t be afraid to quit your job for a higher-paying one


Once I got into the habit of investing and saving 20% of my take-home pay, I focused on increasing mysalary so that I could invest and save even more.


That meant pursuing promotions, asking for a raise, or leaving a job altogether for one that paid more or offered more opportunities for career advancement. Nearly every time I quit a job for a new one, I was able to increase my salary by at least 30%. (Of course, this isn’t the right move for everyone; always make sure you take into account your situation and career goals.)


At 24, I was earning $45,000 a year, soa 10% investing rate meant putting about $4,500 into my 401(k). But five yearsand a few job changes later, my income was well over $150,000, and I was ableto max out my 401(k) for the first time.


Budgeting and cutting back on expensesalone wouldn’t have helped me reach that milestone.


3. Avoid lifestyle inflation


When you’re young, every pay raise feelslike an excuse to get a bigger apartment with more amenities or take morevacations.


But I was intentional about keeping my living expenses low. I set a rule to not spend more than 30% of my monthly payon rent, which meant still having roommates even though I could afford livingalone.


And when we needed to save money for ourwedding, my then-fiancé and I moved into his parent’s house for six months. Itwasn’t easy, but we were able to save $11,000 for our big day.


4. Don’t create a rigid budget that you can’t live up to


My first budgeting plan was very aggressive; I wanted to save as much money as possible. But I constantly endedup disappointing myself by spending on things like dining out and holiday gifts.


I ultimately realized that having a rigid budget plan wasn’t doing me any good, and that I was feeling guilty for purchases that I didn’t consider irresponsible at all.


So I instead focused on automating all my bill payments, including any investment and savings contributions. That way, every dollar that went into my bank account on payday was a dollar I knew Icould afford to spend.


5. Build professional relationships early on in your career 


As an introvert, I dread going to bigconferences and networking events. I am much better at nurturing relationshipsone-on-one, which I believe is just as effective as trying to socialize with aton of strangers at once.


I still keep in touch with friends, as well as current and former colleagues. I follow their work online and share it on social media often. I’ll sometimes send an email or text just to check in and send good energy their way.


When I see a job posting that I thinksomeone might enjoy, I’ll forward it to them. They do the same in return, whichputs me in a great position to learn about new job opportunities. It’s also agood way to stay on top of salary trends in my industry and ensure that I’mgetting paid a fair market rate.


6. Keep tabs on your credit report every month


A $12,000 brushwith credit fraud in my early 20s sparked an obsession withchecking my credit report for any fraudulent activity.


I use tools like Discover Scorecard orCredit Karma to receive potential fraud alerts. I look out for suspicious activities like accounts I don’t recall opening, spelling errors in my name andrepeated declined transactions.

我使用诸如Discover Scorecard或Credit Karma之类的工具来接收潜在的欺诈警报。我会留意可疑行为,比如我不记得自己开户过的账户、我名字中的拼写错误以及重复的被拒绝交易。

If I find evidence of fraud, I report itimmediately to the three credit bureaus and file disputes. With the riseof credit card fraud during thepandemic, it’s never been more important to make this part of your financialroutine.


7. Hire a financial advisor if you need help tackling big challenges


Not everyone needs a financial advisorto start building wealth. I knew how to invest, save and manage my expenses.


But what I didn’t know was how to alignmy financial goals with my husband’s, especially early on in our relationship.We had similar money habits, but very different opinions about how to spend ourhard-earned money.


For example, he would have beenperfectly happy foregoing our honeymoon in Italy for a brand new Tesla, and while I wanted to keep renting indefinitely, he wanted to buy a home.


Hiring a financial advisor helped us work through those conversations and keep our collective goals in mind. (And yes, we did end up buying a Tesla!)


