美添音乐 Everyday music 《I Hate Myself For Loving You》



Everyday music



像是查克·贝里(Chuck Berry)失踪多年的女儿。

—— 摇滚名人堂

名:《I Hate Myself For Loving You》

歌者Joan Jett (琼·杰特)

词曲:Joan Jett (琼·杰特)




Midnight gettin' uptight Where are you

You said you'd meet me now it's quarter to two

I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you

Hey Jack It's a fact they're talkin' in town

I turn my back and you're messin' around

I'm not really jealous don't like lookin' like a clown

I think of you ev'ry night and day

You took my heart then you took my pride away

I hate myself for loving you

Can't break free from the things that you do

I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why

I hate myself for loving you

Daylight spent the night without you

But I've been dreamin' 'bout the lovin' you do

I won't be as angry 'bout the hell you put me through

Hey man bet you can treat me right

You just don't know what you was missin' last night

I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite

I think of you ev'ry night and day

You took my heart then you took my pride away

I hate myself for loving you

Can't break free from the things that you do

I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why

I hate myself for loving you

I think of you ev'ry night and day

You took my heart then you took my pride away

I hate myself for loving you

Can't break free from the things that you do

I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why

I hate myself for loving you

I hate myself for loving you

Can't break free from the things that you do

I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why

I hate myself for loving you

I hate myself for loving you

I hate myself for loving you

I hate myself for loving you

I hate myself I hate myself for loving you



今天分享一首来自《I Hate Myself For Loving You (我恨我爱你)》,来自Joan Jett (琼·杰特)。昨日是安静的陈绮贞老师,今日是炸裂的酷女孩Joan Jett ,她将女性力量带入了男性主导的摇滚圈。


作为乐队“The Runaways”和后来的“Joan Jett& the Blackhearts”(琼·杰特和黑心乐队)的主唱,她为男性主导的摇滚产业带来了一些重要的女性力量。

Joan Jett 于1958年9月22日出生在宾夕法尼亚州的费城,原名琼·拉金。她很早就爱上了音乐。据报道,她在14岁时收到了第一把吉他。15岁时和鼓手Sandy West组建了女子组合“The Runaways”。

The Runaways在美国并不受欢迎,除了《Cherry Bomb》这首歌

乐队由Joan Jett 担任吉他手和主唱,Sandy West担任鼓手,Jackie Fox担任贝斯手,Cherie Currie 领唱,Lita Ford担任吉他手。在那个时候,表演摇滚音乐的女孩经常被嘲笑,Joan Jett 说:“我在一个告诉女孩们不能玩摇滚的世界里长大。”

The Runaways在美国并不受欢迎,除了《Cherry Bomb》,《Cherry Bomb》是乐队1976年专辑中最热门的歌曲之一。

Joan Jett 后来创立并“琼·杰特和黑心乐队”。该乐队1981年的专辑《我爱摇滚》在美国大获成功。

Joan Jett 翻唱的经典歌曲包括《I Love Rock 'n' Roll》、《Crimson and Clover》、《Do You Wanna Touch Me》,以及杰特原创歌曲《Bad Reputation》和今天分享的这首《I Hate Myself for Loving You》,都是她最著名的热门歌曲。
虽然大多数粉丝都知道杰特是一个音乐天才,但她也尝试过表演。1987年,她与演员Michael J. Fox)一起主演了电影《光之日》(Light of Day),这个票房不是很好。
2015年,Joan Jett 入选摇滚名人堂。在第60届克利奥音乐奖上获得了克利奥音乐终身成就奖。她的成就启迪了下一代的摇滚女性,她也作为制作人帮助一些女性摇滚乐队。并利用她的明星地位作为平台来捍卫女性、LGBTQ和动物权利。
