【猪译馆】配种管理指南 (连载六)


前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor's Note


11.人 工 授 精 限 位 栏 的 要 求

Requirements For Artificial Insemination Stall



Get Success With Mating In The Loose Pens


If the sow is not in proper heat, it has the opportunity to escape.


The rear gate shall be designed so it is easy for the inseminator to get in and out of the box.


No pipes above the box so there is room to implement an effective oestrus control  and artificial insemination.


The insemination boxes for loose sows in the mating unit must also be assessed in relation to the sow’s access to the box and the sows protection in the box.


Requirements for the box are that there must be vertical pipes between the sows.


A difficult working condition increases the risk of poorly performed inseminations.


Plenty of room and good access facilities eases the work with the insemination.



Inappropriate Design Of The Box Means That

1. 如果栏位太狭窄,母猪不能舒适地侧躺。

The sow can not lie properly in lateral position if the box is too narrow.

2. 如果栏位太狭窄,授精人员会被挤压或踩住。

The inseminator will be squashed and stepped on if the box is too narrow.

3. 在人工授精前,要拆掉穿过限位栏的管线,否则会增加授精人员的危险。

It will be necessary to dismount the inventory across the box before insemination, and that increases the risk for the inseminator.

4. 太多穿过限位栏的管线使最佳人工刺激难以实现。

Too much inventory transcend over the sow makes it difficult to stimulate the sow optimal.


补充说明: 人工授精限位栏的要求

Additional Comments: Requirements For Artificial Insemination Stall

1. 随着时间的推移,丹系杂交母猪变得更大,因此要求配种/鉴定舍中限位栏的有效宽度增加到65厘米(从栏内量)。如果此限位栏只用于后备母猪,60厘米就够了。建议的长度为210厘米(从料槽的后边缘开始测量),这意味着料槽边缘靠近母猪。

The Danish crossbred sow has over time become larger and therefore the demands on the boxes in the mating/control unit has increased to a width of 65 cm (interior measurements). If the box used only for gilts, 60 cm is sufficient. Recommended length is 210 cm measured from the trailing edge of the trough, meaning the manger edge closest to the sow.

2. 授精人员自由进出限位栏很重要。

The inseminator’s access to the box is important, as it should be easy and painless to get in and out of the box.


In the case of artificial insemination boxes for loose sows in the unit, it is important to focus on the key lock on the box so that both inseminator and also sow are protected.


Front doors improve access considerably, but are usually not selected, since the cost of the unit increases.

3. 最好不要有横向穿过限位栏的管线,因为这对实施有效的发情鉴定和授精有所限制,并且会给授精人员造成不适的工作条件,例如不能准确执行人工刺激的“5个要点”。

There may not be transversal pipes across the box, as it limits the ability to implement effective oestrus control and insemination and it gives inadequate working conditions for the inseminator, including seamlessly too implement the 5 point plan.

4. 用于群养母猪的授精栏,让母猪能够进出自如是很重要的。

At insemination boxes for loose sows in the unit, it is important that the sows can freely access the box and easily get out of it again.


The sow’s safety inside the box is also important, other sows may not be able to enter the box or annoy her in any way, mount the sows that are in the boxes.


The boxes shall be arranged so that the sows are unable to mount the sows that are inside the boxes.

5. 在限位栏上设置横向的管线意味着母猪可能会趴在其上,从而导致问题的出现。纵向的管线要足够舒适,避免母猪通过管线空隙来咬彼此。

Horizontal pipes on the inventory means that the sows crawl on the pipes and that is problematic. The vertical pipe should be snug enough, so that the sows are unable to bite each other through them.

12. 配种舍的生态条件

Community In The Mating Unit



Good Environment

1. 相对湿度必须在50%-80%之间。这可以在大多数通风设备上读出。

The relative humidity must be between 50 % and 80 %. It can be read through most ventilation systems.

2. 空气流动速度一般不超过0.2m/s(太热时除外)。

The air velocity must not exceed 0.2 m/s, however, except warm periods.

3. 母猪的适宜温度在15° C-20° C,这取决于地板表面材质和地板水分。

Temperature for sows shall be between 15°C and 20°C, depending on the floor surface, and the moisture on the floor.

4. 经常清空圈舍集污池,可从源头上减少气体和臭气的排放,粪污的冷却也可减少氨气的挥发。

Frequent emptying of slurry channels, genes from gases and odors are reduced. Slurry cooling may also reduce ammonia volatilization.

5. 对需要爬跨的公猪,地面必须干燥和防滑。

For boars there must mount, the floor must be dry and slip resistant.

6. 建议配种舍中光照强度至少为100勒克斯,16小时/天。这会促进母猪在黑夜长的季节的发情。(译者注:丹麦冬季日照时间为早上9点至下午3点)

It is recommended that there is min. 100 LUX in the mating unit, 16 hours a day. It promotes the oestrus in the dark season.

7. 后备母猪和经产母猪都需要一些拱土材料。在2003年5月15日前投入使用的圈舍,在2013年1月前不受相应法律约束。在2003年5月15日后投入使用的圈舍,后备母猪和经产母猪必须有拱土材料。

Gilts and sows should all be assigned rooting material. Stables that have been taken into use before the 15th May 2003, is not under the law before January 2013. Stables that are taking into use after 15th May 2003 must assign rooting material. Gilts and boars must have rooting material.


The animal’s behavior reveals if the community is okay.


A dirty window reduces the amount of light.



Poor Environment

1. 地面潮湿暗示湿度太高。这意味着必须调节温度和通风。此外,最好给室内加热。

Moist floors suggest that the humidity is too high. This means that the temperature and ventilation must be adjusted. Furthermore, it is a good idea to add heat to the room.

2. 如果温度太低,采食量会增加。

If the temperature is too low, the feed intake increases.

3. 如果舍外进入的空气温度比舍内的低,按经验来说,这可能是贼风。

If the temperature of the air coming from outside is lower than the air inside the unit, it is

experienced as draft.

4. 气流不能吹在母猪身上,因为这会是贼风。

The air flows must not fall over the animals as this can cause drafts.

5. 集污池通风(通风过程中气流下降通过集污池)会增加舍内的氨的气味。

Slurry ventilation gives increased ammonia odor in the unit.

6. 又暗又脏的窗户和日光灯管,会降低光照强度。

Dark and dirty windows and fluorescent tubes reduce the light output.

7. 至少每年检查一次通风系统。

Ventilation systems must be inspected at least once a year.


补充说明: 配种舍中的生态条件

Additional Comments: Community In The Mating Unit

理想的湿度可以通过下列方式来计算:90% - 理想温度 = 湿度(例如90% - 16° C = 74% 的湿度)。如果墙壁潮湿、地面粘,就表明湿度偏高。

The desired humidity can be calculated as follows: 90 % - the desired temperature=humidity. (eg 90 % - 16° C=74 % humidity). If the walls are moist and the floors are sticky, it could indicate high humidity.


The consumed air is often cooler than the temperature in the unit, and if the air velocity is too high, it’s going to seem like draft to the pigs. Draft is defind as the consumed temperature is 4°C colder than the temperature in the unit. It is important that the air is slowed down and mixed with the unit’s air before it enters the pigs resting zone, except in the warm periods.

在 高 温 季 节 , 最 好 将 空 气 流 动 速 度 设 置 在0.5-1m/s,这具有降温的作用。空气流动速度和方向,可以通过电子仪器和烟来测量。建议找一个有经验的人来测量。

In hot periods, it may be advantageous to set the speed up to between 0.5 m/s and 1 m/s. it will seem cooling. Air velocity and air lanes can be measured using  electronic  devices  and smoke. It is recommended to get an expert out and measure the air.


Look at the sows, they will show if it is too cold or to hot. If the sows are too warm, they lie flat on their side and possibly with rapid breathing. There will be a tendency that they will play with the water in the troughs or get muddy if they are loose. If they are too cold, they will lie tense and in prone position. In loose units, they will clump together to keep warm. If the floors are wet, there must be 5°C - 10°C to the lower limit of heating, so it is moved from 15°C to 20°C. It is important that in units with low occupancy of animals, it is possible to add warmth to the room. Mating units can be such a room. If there is used bedding, the room temperature can be reduced.


By emptying the slurry channels there could be very high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide, which is dangerous in high concentrations. The most frequently exhausted gases in pigstables are: carbon dioxide, CO2, ammonia, NH3, hydrogen sulphide, H2S and carbon monoxide CO. If there is suspicion of high concentrations of H2S, leave the unit and clean the air thouroughly before entering the unit again. H2S can be measured via a tracegastube. It is a tube with chemical compounds that change color at high concentrations. Get an expert to measure the gas concentration.


If the floor in the boar pen is too slippery to allow the boar to mount, you can throw some sand on the floor. Check if it is high humidity that is causing the slippery floor.


The number of LUX is measured by the pig’s snout height in their resting zone, after insertion of the animals in the unit. It is recommended to buy a LUX meter or require a consultant who can perform the measurement.


There is a difference in fluorescent tubes. The strength of the cheap, so-called “farmerlights” falls through their lifetime by 20 %, while the more expensive tubes only decrease by 5 %. This should be taken into account when the tubes are set up. When installing new tubes the brightness should always be min. 150 LUX. The cheap tubes must be replaced more often than the expensive tubes.

日光灯管的显色性也是不同的。便宜的是52% -70%,贵的至少是80%。因此,贵的灯管散发的光比便宜的更加像自然光。尽管它们比较贵,但每小时的成本和便宜的灯管是一样的,且耗费相同功率时,它们会比便宜的灯管多散发出约15%的光。

The color rendering from the fluorescent tube are also different. It is 52 % - 70 % on the cheap and at least 80 % on the expensive ones. Therefore, the light from the expensive tubes seem more like natural light, than light from the cheap tubes. Although they are more expensive, the hour price per burning hours is the same as on the cheap tubes. They also give approx. 15 % more light at the same number of watts.


The above values are measured on clean tubes. It is also important to keep the tubes clean; otherwise they do not provide maximum light. Clean windows and freshly limestoned walls also give a better light rendering of the light coming from the outside.


To be continued…




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