英语入门对话39|We are all for it



Section 3



So, are we all behind this new project? 这么说大家都支持这个新案子了?

I'm in favor of Maggie. 我同意麦琪。

Ditto, it doesn't look too expensive either. 我也是,看起来这个案子也不会花太多钱。

That's right, Nigel. I think we can keep cost down. 一点也没错,奈杰尔,我们认为花费应该可以降低。

I can't see a problem. Let's give it a try. 我也不觉得有什么问题,就放手一搏吧。


1. Are we all behind this new project? 大家都支持这个新案子吗?


We are all for it. 我们都支持!

I agree. 我同意!

I'm in favor. 我同意。

Count me in. 我同意。

2. Ditto!  我也是!


Me too! 我也是!

I'm in favor too. 我也同意这个主意!

3. It doesn't look too expensive. 看起来这个案子也不会花太多钱。


It looks good! 看起来很好!

The primate situation doesn't look very security right now.行政院长的官位现在看起来不怎么稳。

4. Give it a try. 就放手一搏吧!


Have a goal. 就放手一搏吧!

Tried out. 就放手一搏吧!

Give it a shot. 就放手一搏吧!







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