波兰风格主义画家卡罗尔·伯克(Karol Bąk)形式感绘画,神秘而美丽!







卡罗尔·伯克(Karol Bąk)是一位多才多艺的艺术家,他是一位画家、插画家和平面设计师。他的绘画以虚幻和超现实主义为特征,把观众带入梦幻世界。从1984年至1989年期间曾在中央美术学院(现在的ASP)就读绘画,以优异的成绩毕业。他是波兰非常有名的画家和图形艺术家。

伯克出生于1961年,毕业于波兰波茨纳美术学院,然后在同一城市的国立高等美术学院(美术学院)开始绘画研究。他以两级的成绩毕业,在Tadeusz Jackowski教授的指导下,在杰罗斯·科兹·奥夫斯基教授的绘画艺术指导下绘画。两位教授都灌输了绘画艺术给伯克,除其他外,他对研究表现幻觉形式感的热情,以及创造自由艺术的冲动,这种自由艺术可以根据特定的语境进行个别解读。

在学习后的最初几年里,伯克主要制作铜版版画和绘画,以及设计商业广告牌和广告。自2000年以来,他主要从事油画和绘画创作。伯克的绘画作品是以“对话/对话”、“光环/光环”、“朱迪思和莎乐美/朱蒂塔·莎乐美”、“帆船/阿格洛伊克”、“四个元素/ CZTICE YWO Y”、“茧/ KOKOY”等主题系列的装饰性的形式表现绘画。


Karol B ą k) He is a versatile artist. He is a painter, illustrator and graphic designer. His paintings are characterized by illusion and surrealism, bringing the audience into the dream world. From 1984 to 1989, he studied painting in the Central Academy of Fine Arts (now ASP) and graduated with excellent results. He is a very famous painter and graphic artist in Poland.

Born in 1961, Burke graduated from the Polish Academy of Fine Arts in potzna, and then began painting research at the National Higher Academy of Fine Arts (Academy of Fine Arts) in the same city. He graduated with two grades and painted under the guidance of Professor Tadeusz Jackowski and

Professor jeros Koz ovsky. Both professors instilled the art of painting into Burke, among other things, his enthusiasm for studying the expression of the sense of illusion form, and his impulse to create free art, which can be interpreted individually according to a specific context.

In the first few years after his study, Burke mainly produced copperplate prints and paintings, as well as designed commercial billboards and advertisements. Since 2000, he has been mainly engaged in oil painting and painting creation.

Burke's paintings are expressed in the decorative form of theme series such as 'dialogue / dialogue', 'halo / halo', 'Judith and Salome / judita Salome', 'sailboat / argloic', 'four elements / cztice YWO Y', 'cocoon / kokoy'.

Burke has held more than ten individual and group exhibitions in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. At present, Burke's paintings are becoming more and more popular and valued in Poland and abroad.

Burke himself said that he has been looking for his own artistic path, and his search is not over. After all, what matters is not the end, but the journey itself and the experience we gain during the journey.

