初中英语每天学一点(2021.4.8)believe in yourself





1. It's about 100 kilometers ____ my home ____ the city.

A. from, with    B. in, to    C. at, in    D. from, to

2. He needs about two hours _____ home.

A. gets    B. get    C. to get    D. getting

3. Jim ____ his ____ to school every day.

A. ride, bus    B. rides, bike    C. ride, bike    D. rides, bus

4. -- How does your sister usually go to work? --____ car.

A. In    B. By    C. On    D. With

5. -- ____ does it take you to walk there?    -- About ten minutes.

A. How far    B. How    C. How long    D. How often

6. They go to school _____ Monday ____ Friday.

A. from, to    B. on, on    C. on, to    D. from, on

7. -- ____ is your hometown from here?    -- Five kilometers.

A. How far    B. How long    C. How many    D. How often

8. My father usually ____ the train to work.

A. by    B. rides    C. goes    D. takes

9. -- ____ does it take you to go to the library by taxi?  --About 30 minutes.

A. How    B. How long    C. How far    D. How many

10. My company is about two miles ____ my home. It's not far ____ here.

A. to, from    B. from, to    C. for, away    D. from, from




1. Could you please ____(make) your bed?

2. Mary often helps her mother do the _______(dish) at home.

3. -- Did you _____(take) out the rubbish?

-- Yes, I ____(take) out the rubbish half an hour ago.

4. -- Mom, can I go outside now?

-- I'm afraid not. You have to _____(sweep) the floor first.

5. He needs _____(fold) the clothes today.

6. It's necessary to help children understand the idea of _____(fair).

7. Parents should develop children's ______(independent).

8. It is important for children ____(develop) good habits.

9. My sister works hard on her subjects in order to _____(get) into a good college.

10. _____(do) homework is fun in my free time.

参考答案:make, dishes, take, took, sweep, to fold, fairness, independence, to develop, get, Doing



1. Lucy's mother looks young and beautiful. It's hard to imagine that she is already in her _______(五十).

2. There are more people who speak English as a ______(two) language than people who speak English as their mother tongue.

3. Every year, ______(thousand) of people visit Beijing during vacations.

4. -- Have you finished your work, Bob?

--Sorry, it is so hard that I need _______(另两天).

5. -- How old is Mary?

-- _____(20). We had a special party for her ______(20) birthday yesterday.

参考答案:fifties, second, thousands, another two days/ two more days, twenty, twentieth(注意数词填空不能填阿拉伯数字,必须填空英文数字)


