Sun Xiaotou Silver Dollar is a fine piece of modern Chinese coins, which is influenced by history and is a revolutionary relic of high value, and has far-reaching historical significance. The precious Sun Xiaotou Silver Dollar records the great and earth-shaking history of the Revolution of 1911. Due to a hundred years of wind and rain, the cast amount of Sun Xiaotou Silver Dollar at that time was very limited, and the amount of existence was very rare, especially the good appearance is even more scarce, so it is very popular among collectors.
According to the plum blossom, English can also continue to distinguish the format, but mainly according to the five star or six star to distinguish! The earliest sun xiaotou silver dollar is sun xiaotou founding coin, as for the sun xiaotou silver dollar price must be different. Sun capitulum founding COINS have 15 years like a sun yuan currency made sun yat-sen mausoleum, sixteen years COINS, commemorative COINS, sixteen years sun calendar one yuan coin, seventeen years in the eighteenth year of gansu sun yat-sen is one yuan coin, sun yat-sen as one yuan coin, silver in the eighteenth year of sun yat-sen as golden harvest, in the eighteenth year of sun yat-sen's three sails as gold COINS, silver, the twenty-first year There are also three birds of Sun Yat-sen's statue, silver coins of the twenty-second and twenty-third years of Sun Yat-sen's statue ship, silver coins of the twenty-fourth and twenty-five years of sailing pictures of Sun Yat-sen's statue, and silver coins of the ancient cloth of Sun Yat-sen's statue.
这枚中华民国国父孙小头纪念币直径长3.9 cm,重26.8 g,规格尺寸齐全,品相完好。中华民国国父孙小头纪念币,俗称小头。正面中央刻有孙中山侧像,边沿上刻有“中华民国”4字、“开国纪念币”4字、左右长枝花饰。正中为中文隶书体“壹圆”,圆字出头及嘉禾,边沿侧铸有“MEMENTO”(纪念币),下侧为“BIRTH OF”,下侧为“BIRTH OFREPUBLIC OF”(中华民国),左右两侧分列六角星图案,直线边齿。收藏的货币清净、色泽明亮、铸造工艺精湛,是古代货币中的精品。
This commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China Sun Xiaotou is 3.9cm in diameter and weighs 26.8g. It is standard in size and perfect in appearance. The Republic of China Sun Xiaotou founding commemorative coin, commonly known as the "head". The central side of the coin is the portrait of Sun Yat-sen. The edge of the coin is engraved with 4 characters of "Republic of China" in Chinese official script, 5 characters of "Founding Commemorative Coin", and left and right long branch flowers. In the center OF the back is the Chinese official script character "Yiyuan" with the round character head and Jiahe. The top side OF the edge is cast with the words "Memento" (commemorative coin), the bottom side is "Birth OF Republic OF China" (BIRTH OF the Republic OF China), and the top left and right sides are separated with hexagonal star pattern and straight edge teeth. The collection of coins with clean surface, bright color and exquisite casting technology is a fine piece of ancient coins. At present, the number of this coin is small, worthy of collectors.
Sun Xiaotou Founding Coins, the first batch of casting, that year was exchanged for collection, thus preserving the best appearance, is absolutely orthodox "the first money of the Republic of China", the front of the central Sun Yat-sen side small head, the outer ring above the official calligraphy of the People's Republic of China words, the following founding coins, left and right sides have long branches of flowers and plants decoration. On the back of the inner ring has a plant decoration ring with a round words, the outer ring between the English two hexagonal stars. Coins reflect the social background of the time and are the best record of history. The founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China, Sunxiang, has formed many versions due to different foundry manufacturers. It can be said that it is a rare variety for collection and research.
个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。